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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377 Azure Dragon's Apology

"First and foremost, let me emphasize that I, Alger Shelton, have no bias against the military!" Alger spoke with a solemn tone. "On the contrary, I deeply admire them. Without their dedication to protecting our country, there would be no stability and prosperity in Glavale. But, this is a different matter from Alana finding a boyfriend."

"I'd like to hear more." Billy said calmly.

"You're not a parent yet, are you?" Alger looked at Billy. "Let me ask you, if you had a daughter, would you want her to find a good partner?"

"Absolutely." Billy responded promptly. However, his definition of a "good partner" was clearly different from Alger's. His only criterion for Tasha's future partner was someone who would genuinely care for her, everything else was secondary.

"The Shelton family, even though we may not be at the top in the capital, we're still among the elite." Alger continued. "There are dozens of suitors pursuing Alana, some of them young talents with far better qualifications than Azure Dragon."

"Let me ask you this, if Alana were your daughter, what would you choose?"

"Have you asked your daughter how she feels about this?" Billy asked with a faint smile.

"I know what you mean. You want to know if there's any real connection between her and them, right?" Alger responded. "You're still young, so your primary concern is emotions, which I understand. However, when you reach my age, you'll realize that emotions are just a phase in one's youth. As you grow older, you become more practical, and everything comes down to the basics of life."

"I'm watching over Alana now because I don't want her to regret her choice in the future." He added.

"Dad, I will never regret it," Alana Shelton replied firmly. "Both Azure Dragon and I are capable of living a good life together."

"Don't interrupt," Alger scolded his daughter before turning his attention back to Billy. "Furthermore, I didn't oppose Alana and Azure Dragon from the beginning. Azure Dragon, despite his shortcomings, has good character in my opinion. So, I gave him a chance. I offered him a position in one of my family's companies as long as he truly cares for Alana. But he refused outright, saying he would never leave the military unless he died. If you were in my shoes, what would you do?"

After speaking, Alger let out a heavy sigh, as if he had finally released the pent-up frustration within him.

"Azure Dragon, apologize to Mr Shelton." Billy sternly glared at Azure Dragon.

Before this, he had some grievances toward Alger Shelton based on Azure Dragon's descriptions. Azure Dragon, a hero who defended the land with his blood, was not someone to be looked down upon. However, after hearing Alger's words, Billy's impression of Alger Shelton had changed. In a way, Alger wasn't wrong; he was just doing what any father should do. If Azure Dragon had revealed his true identity to the Shelton family from the beginning, none of this would have happened. Azure Dragon was unnecessarily stirring up trouble.

When would his brothers learn to enjoy the simple pleasures of life?

"Uh..." Azure Dragon hesitated for a moment and looked at Alger. "I'm sorry, Mr Shelton, my apologizes."

"What did you do wrong?" Billy asked.

"I shouldn't have rejected your kind offer so bluntly. I hurt your feelings." Azure Dragon admitted, then added, "But I still mean what I said. I will never leave the military in this lifetime."

Alright, he was completely missing the point.

Commander Gardner suddenly felt exhausted.


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