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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 378

Chapter 378 I've Come to See My Boss

"Can you please reason with them? It was Andrew and his crew who started this..." Alana Shelton shouted loudly.

"Shut up!" Edric Greenwood sternly rebuked.

"You..." Alana started again.

"Smack her face!" he coldly interrupted.

"Yes!" A man behind him nodded vigorously and raised his hand to slap Alana.

Before the man's hand could reach Alana's face, she was sent flying, landing on the ground without moving for a while.

"Hmm?" Edric Greenwood furrowed his brow and looked at Azure Dragon. "You dare to make a move in front of me? You must be tired of living!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and delivered a powerful blow towards Azure Dragon, showing no mercy. If it were an ordinary person, this strike would have left them either dead or severely disabled.

"Watch out, Azure Dragon!" Alana shouted loudly.

Alger Shelton, standing nearby, also had a sudden change in expression and was about to intervene. Before he could act, Edric Greenwood, too, was sent flying, somersaulting several times before lying motionless on the ground.

"Uncle Edric!"


Helen Greenwood and her son exclaimed in shock.

Aside from Billy and his companions, everyone else was left in stunned silence. Alana felt like her heart couldn't take much more of this. Her boyfriend was supposed to be just a Battle Master. But a Battle Master couldn't possibly send a Warlord expert flying with a single strike.

Alger Shelton was equally astonished, recalling Night Orchid's words from earlier.

"You scoundrel, daring to harm Mr Greenwood. You'll all pay for this!" Edric Greenwood's followers angrily shouted.

Then, they all rushed toward Azure Dragon, releasing their full aura. Two of them were Battle Gods, and the other six were mid-to-late Battle Generals.

In the blink of an eye, they all lay on the ground, groaning in pain. This time, the members of the Shelton family were not as shocked. Azure Dragon had just sent a Warlord expert flying, so dealing with these people was even easier for him.

"Who are you?" Edric Greenwood, having climbed to his feet, showed a trace of fear on his face. Although he hadn't used his full strength earlier, he had a strong feeling that Azure Dragon's skill might surpass his own.

"What's your name?" Without waiting for Azure Dragon to respond, Billy looked at him and asked calmly.

"Mr Gardner, he's Edric Greenwood, a member of the Greenwood clan." Alana replied.

"Night Orchid, look him up!" Billy ordered in a stern voice.

"Understood!" Night Orchid replied before taking out her phone to begin the investigation.

"Are you... from SHADOW?" Edric Greenwood's pupils contracted when he heard the name Night Orchid. As for Alger Shelton, his face displayed a mix of shock and disbelief. Although neither of them had met Night Orchid before, her name had spread throughout the capital city in recent days. They never expected that the stunningly beautiful woman before them was the Governor of the Northern District of SHADOW.

Not only that, they realized something even more astonishing.

"Who is that man, who could command Night Orchid to act?" they thought.

Billy's true identity was on the verge of being revealed.

After a short while, Night Orchid put away her phone and looked at Billy.

"Done!" she said.


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