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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 819

Chapter 819 

You need to completely remove the Spiritdevouring Insect and face three moves from me. There is no other way. Don’t even think about taking a step out without my approval.” 

After saying that, Otto moved his hands behind his back and swiftly left the cave

Andrius fell silent

Then, he made up his mind to continue cultivating, hoping to deal with the insect as soon as possible and then leave this place

At the same time, something major was happening outside

In the East River State, several dozens of people disappeared daily in Sumeria. Whether it was from checking surveillance or interviewing the locals, there were no clues to the disappearances. It was as if those people had evaporated

In addition, a strange illness was spreading in Sumeria and its surroundings. Once infected, the person would become lethargic, physically weak, and drained of energy, making them extremely frail. Even holding up a fork to eat became extremely challenging

The combination of these two events caused a headache for Marcus, but he could not figure out any 

valuable clues or how to contain the epidemic

For a time, grievance soared among the people of Sumeria and its neighbors, and they felt fear and anxiety

In the Southern Warzone military airport, a plane from the Lycantroops slowly descended

Noir arrived at the Southern Warzone under Dax’s invitation

Dax invited Noir to headquarters and went straight to the point. Captain Black Wolf, have you heard about what’s happening in Sumeria?” 

Noir frowned slightly. I’ve heard some news, but not in detail.” 

Dax sighed and explained, Since your return from Murrfield, many people have been disappearing daily in 

Sumeria and even the entire East River State

Furthermore, a strange illness of unknown origin is spreading in Sumeria. Although it’s being managed reasonably well, it has already caused significant panic.” 

Noir’s already grim expression turned even darker. He had been discussing strategies for marching toward Kiyoto with the Eight Commanders and had not expected such a major crisis to happen in 


When Noir remained silent, Dax rubbed his nose and added, Most importantly, someone is dragging the Wolf King into this, saying that all this is orchestrated by the Wolf King in revenge for the emperor’s 


Dax looked at Noir as he spoke

Fuck!Noir could not help but cuss. That’s absolute nonsense! Andy has already been killed by those bastards, and now they’re trying to smear his name” 

They’re truly heartless!” Dax sighed. That’s why I’m asking you to stay and help investigate this matter. It’s also a chance to clear the Wolf King’s name. What do you think?” 

Noir thought about it.. 


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