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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 820

Chapter 820 

In the office, Noir quickly checked all the information

He soon noticed something suspicious. These missing people were all young and healthy individuals, and 

their bodies were in excellent condition

Some were even former soldiers, athletes, elites, and so on with strong physical attributes

Meanwhile, those who contracted the strange illness were quite ordinary. They either had preexisting medical conditions or were infected through ordinary transmission methods

There seemed to be no connection between the two groups

Furthermore, none of the missing individuals were among those who fell ill

Could it be” 

Noir had a reason to be suspicious

Did the Second War God abduct these missing people

After all, these healthy individuals vanished without a trace

Within the Southern warzone, only the Second War God had the capability to make people disappear 

noticed. Moreover, he had a strong motive. It was to use these people for researching insect soldiers

After thinking about this, Noir asked the data collection personnel beside him, Have there been any more reports of missing individuals in the last day or two?” 

No, sir. Everything returned to normal three days ago. There have been no reports of missing people

Noir fell silent

That was strange

Then, he asked, Then, what about the individuals infected with the strange illness? Has the number 


The staff shook his head and responded, No, there haven’t been any new cases either since three days ago.” 

Why not?” 

New Moon Corporation introduced a series of remedies for various symptoms of this strange illness. and the treatment is quite effective. Many of the sick have been cured, and the spread of the disease has been temporarily contained.” 

Noir frowned. He did not expect Luna to be this capable. At least, she did not fail Andrius


A lightbulb flashed in Noir’s head

The disappearances and the strange illness both stopped three days ago

That was too much of a coincidence

Could there be a connection between the two

Noir narrowed his eyes

If the disappearances and the strange illness were both orchestrated by the same people, their goal might 

be something unspeakable

For example, they might be using the epidemic as a means to select physically strong young individuals as candidates for turning into insect soldiers… 

Cold sweat formed on Noir’s head at the thought


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