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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 10


I’m surprised, yet not surprised, by Tia’s thoughts. I should have seen that she would be worried about the pack’s reaction to her being Luna. Her concerns are valid, but Lincoln and I agree. If the pack can’t support the fact that Tia is our mate, then they can leave. Neither of us will tolerate our mate being treated poorly or with disrespect. Besides, if they do treat her poorly, it won’t be because she is a horrible person. It will be due to the gossip that would fly around the pack about her; gossip that would be false.

We spend the rest of the meal trying to get to know each other. It’s something that we didn’t do growing up. Even though my brother and I have always had eyes on Tia, we never took the time to really see who she is. She is incredible, and I feel more blessed with each passing minute.

We head back to Tia’s place after a filling meal. It was hard to keep my hands to myself while we were out. I tried to remain respectful since we are in a human town. They wouldn’t understand the idea of two men with one woman and being so open about it. I didn’t want to have eyes on us or have any unneeded pressure on my mate.

“So, where are you guys staying?” Tia addresses us as we step into her apartment. Lincoln is the last person in, and he closes the door behind us. I hear him chuckle a bit, but I work on keeping a straight face.

“We will be staying right here,” I answer while stepping closer to Tia. Her eyes get big, and she starts to look around the room in a panic. I’m having a harder time keeping my face neutral. Tia, in a panic, is super adorable. Lincoln quietly walks up behind her. Tia takes a step back and bumps right into him. He places his hands on her shoulders, trying to steady her. I walk up to Tia until I’m inches away from her. I caress Tia’s cheek while I stare into her eyes.

“I…..I don’t think there will b….be…..enough room here for all three of us.” I quickly glance around, and she does have a point. Chances are, though, that if I suggest a hotel room, she will send us on our way while staying put. I can’t have that.

We probably should get more space, L.

I agree Linc, but if we say that now, she will send us to go alone. Lincoln nods slightly and starts to rub her arms up and down.

The air is starting to get thick, and Tia’s arousal is evident. The sweet smell makes my head spin, and I close my eyes, trying to steady myself and my wolf. I take a step closer to Tia, causing her to place her hands up. They land on my chest, and I look down at them. I start to flex my muscles, just to see what she will do.


They plan to stay here with me?! There’s barely enough space for myself. My place is small and barely fits me. It is way less luxurious than accommodations in a pack. How do they plan for all of us to stay here together? Do I even want them to stay here with me?


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