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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 15


Lincoln and I rush back to pack lands after the phone call we received. The call itself was vague, but it seems there was something serious going on at home, and we are needed. It made us even more nervous when we factored in how it wasn’t our parents who called. They must be really busy or unable to reach out.

We head through the gate, and everything looks quiet. Lincoln and I decide to do a perimeter check before going to the house. We may not be able to see any issues from here, but that doesn’t mean all is well. I hastily park the car, and we both jump out. Lincoln and I shift into our wolves, and we take off in opposite directions, having agreed to meet back at the car.

I’m not sure how much time has passed, maybe an hour or more, when we finally meet back at the car. Lincoln throws me a pair of shorts, and I get behind the wheel. “I didn’t see anything wrong, L. I spoke to warriors that were on duty, and they had nothing to report.”

“Exactly the same for me. There was no disturbance, and everyone said that things have been fine. Maybe there wasn’t an attack on the pack. Maybe the issue is with our parents. Let’s go, so what’s going on.” I start the car, and we hurry down the road and skid to a stop in front of the pack house. Lincoln is out of the car before I can completely stop. I hop out right behind him, and we rush into the packhouse. Nothing seems out of place, and there doesn’t seem to be any disruptions.

We rush up to our father’s office and bust in the door. Dad is sitting at his desk, and he looks up with surprise all over his face. It doesn’t seem that he was expecting us, or anyone for that matter. “What are you two doing here? Is everything okay? Did you bring Portia back?” Lincoln and I look at each other, but before we could respond, mom walks in.

“Ah, my boys are back. I’m so glad to see you two. I was just about to call you.” She walks to us and grabs each of us by the hand. “Come with me; let’s have lunch.” Mom starts to pull us toward the door. I’m dragging my feet, trying to get away.

“Kim, maybe they don’t have time for that. Let’s see what brought them here.” Mom shoots dad an exasperated look but continues to pull us with her. It really doesn’t seem as if there was even a problem here at all. If that’s the case, who called and lied to us and for what reason?

L, what do you think all of this is about? I was expecting….well, I don’t know what I was expecting, but this definitely isn’t it.

Agreed, Linc. I don’t know what’s going on, but I want to get to the bottom of it.

Mom pulls us outside of the packhouse and into the garden. Lincoln and I grab shirts on our way. We always have clothes stashed all over the pack and woods because we shift at any given time. We walk to the center of the garden, where there are tables and chairs set up. We choose a table, and mom sends an Omega to get us food. I’m not really hungry. I really just want to find out what’s going on.

We all sit at the table in awkward silence. Lincoln and I would love nothing more than to go back to our mate. Whatever is going on here doesn’t need our help. I smell the food as it gets closer to the table. I look up, and my face drops. Carrying a tray of food is Adela, and she has a sly smile on her face. Behind her, carrying a tray of drinks, is Aida.

Lincoln jumps out of his seat at the sight of them. “What the f**k is going on here?” A small smile appears on my mom’s face.

“I’m not sure what you mean.” Adela puts the tray on the table and starts to walk toward me, and Aida is doing the same to Lincoln.

“I missed you baby, even though you had only been gone one day.” Adela attempts to sit on my lap, but I quickly stand up. She puts a pout on her face, but her eyes are flashing anger. I turn to my mom.

“Last time I will ask….what is going on here?”


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