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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 31


Landon looks stuck, Luna Kimberly looks smug, and who the hell is Jenna? I can feel Andricia pacing in my head, her anger growing. The way Jenna is looking at Landon is pissing her off. She is looking at him as if she is hungry and he is the meal.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jenna. I met your father not too long ago. He is a great Alpha.” Jenna glances at me quickly and moves past me to stand in front of Landon.

“Hi there, handsome. How have you been?” Landon looks at Jenna and then at me, but he doesn’t respond. Jenna steps closer to him and slides her hand down his chest. “Cat got your tongue?” A growl rips from my throat, and I can feel the blood rushing to my head. It feels like my head will explode at any minute. Just exactly who the f**k does she think she is?

Landon steps away from Jenna while pushing her hand away from him. Landon looks at me with a pleading look, but I have nothing for him. She is beyond disrespectful, but I’ve never been so compelled to respond to such behavior before now. I turn to the door and catch the Luna’s face; she looks way too giddy. I guess it’s decision time. I can give into my feelings and react, which will feed Luna Kimberly’s foolishness. On the other hand, I can play as if I’m unbothered and make my mark. Think, Tia…..you have to make a choice.

I turn to Landon and walk up to him, wedging myself between him and Jenna. I place my hand on the back of Landon’s neck and let it trail down to his chest. I press myself against him and place my lips gently on his. I can feel Landon suck in air, and he places his hands on my hips. Landon pulls me in impossibly close. Landon presses his lips against mine with more passion, and I run my hands up and down his chest. Before he could plunge his tongue into my mouth, I pull back and give him my sexiest smile.

“I’m going to get cleaned up. Find me later?” Landon nods, looking like a love-sick puppy. I nod to Luna Kimberly and walk to the front door without sparing Jenna a glance. I refuse to let Jenna have any type of power over my life. I have enough to deal with that I won’t add Jenna to the mix as well.


That kiss was something, and I’m sure the point of it was to stick it to Jenna. I can’t say that I’m mad about that. The fact that Jenna is here right now is crazy, and I’m sure it was a plot from my mother. There is no logical reason for Jenna to be at my pack right now. I will have to put a call into Alpha Brenner to see what he knows about things.

How much longer do you have on patrol, Linc?

Uh, about another 20 minutes or so. What’s up?

Heads up. Jenna is here?

Hahaha, you are so f**king funny!

Linc, I’m deadass! Jenna is standing outside of our pack house right now.

What the f**k is she doing here, L?

I have no f**king clue, but I know Tia isn’t happy.


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