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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 56


I swear my head hurts. This is all too much drama for anyone, especially someone like me who HATES drama. I want things to mellow out, and I can get on with my life with the twins. Life with the twins, that’s something to really think about. We will need to figure out what that needs to look like.

Landon and Lincoln went to their office once dinner was over, and everyone else went to do whatever it was they planned to do. I decided to go out looking for my mom. I have a ceremony to prepare for, and I want my mom’s help.

I make it outside the packhouse and see my mom hugging my dad before they part ways. Dad seems to be going to the warrior center. He has an office there since he’s the head warrior and spends a lot of time there.

I wait until he is out of view and run up to catch mom. I wrap my arms around her, and she jumps. “Tia, you scared me to death.” I click my tongue and roll my eyes.

“Mom, we are wolves. There is no way that I scared you.” She wraps an arm around me and chuckles.

“Remember when I used to tell you that when you were little? You would always run up behind me or try to scare me, and I would always make you think you accomplished that task.” I laugh with mom, remembering how that was. She was always there to give me love growing up. There were many times when it was just her and I, my sisters, off with dad somewhere.

“Are you on your way home?”

“I am. Your father went to take care of some work and I have no idea where you sisters are.” Mom pulls me in closer to her. “I’d think you’d be with your mates doing what young mates couples do.” I sigh

“Mom, I don’t want to talk about that with you. That’s too awkward.” Mom just laughs and gives me a squeeze. “Actually, I wanted to ask you if you would help me find a dress for the ceremony. Your daughter is about to be a Luna.” Mom stops us and turns me to face her. I can see the tears building in her eyes.

“I’m so proud of you, you know that? You are such an amazing girl and I know you will be an amazing Luna.” I look down, feeling my face heat up.

“I’m not sure about all of that. I will do my best, but this pack isn’t really fond of me.” Mom lifts my face and strokes my cheek.

“It isn’t that they aren’t f ond of you…..it’s that they don’t know you. You need to show them who you are and once they know, they will love you. Just as I do.” Mom bops me on my nose and pulls me in for a hug. “I would be happy to help you get a dress. We can go tomorrow morning before my shift at the clinic.” I squeeze my mom back and kiss her on the cheek.

I watch my mom walk off toward my family home. I would love nothing more than to go with her and spend the evening talking to her, but I fight the urge. I have no idea when mom or my sisters will be back, and I don’t want to get caught in the middle of any mess.


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