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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 64


The morning light shines through the curtains, and I try to cover my face. I really don’t want to get up right now. My mate’s scent surrounds me, and it is the best cocoon anyone could ask for.

GGGEEEETTTTTT UUUUUUPPPPP!!!! I growl and throw a pillow across my mate, listening as it bounces off the wall. You know you missed me, right? Landon chuckles in the mindlink, and I silently roll my eyes. I throw the cover back and rise from the bed.

Of course, Landon is already dressed for training, lacing up his shoes. I jump into the closet and get some shorts along with a t-shirt. I step out of the room, throwing my sock and shoes on while Landon kisses our mate. I stride over to do the same as Landon points to his wrist impatiently.

I shake my head and follow my brother out of our room. Morning training, ugh! I like to sleep, and I love to sleep next to my mate. I hate getting up and leaving her in bed, but it’s what a leader does.

Landon and I take turns leading training and do it together 2 or 3 days a week. We like having our pack see us involved so they know we are not asking for anything that we wouldn’t give ourselves. A strong leader leads by example, not just dictation.

Landon grabs us some water from the kitchen, and we make our way to the training area. Our elite warriors are ready for us, stretching to get their bodies loose. Stuart is on the stage watching over the group. He eyes Landon and me but says nothing. Landon told me all about their interaction yesterday, and I’m sorry I missed it. Landon tends to be the cooler head between us, so that we would have definitely handled it differently. I, for one, have no qualms about throwing hands with Stuart. I’ve never been fond of him, and, to be honest, something about him I don’t trust.

Stuart sends the group off on their 20-mile run, and we follow, taking the time to encourage any stragglers. We could be upfront and lead the group, but we’d rather make sure everyone knows that we are supposed to be here for one another in support. We encourage those who are behind and will even run with them.


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