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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 67


I know…..I know…..I’m usually the level-headed one, but in this case……this instance……. I can’t believe that Tia would betray us like this. She never struck me as that person. I could have never thought that she would be someone I’d have to watch out for. And the fact that my brother wants to ‘talk to Tia’…..WTF?!

I block my brother out of my mind as well as Tia. I just can’t deal with either of them right now. I take the traitor Neal and the car they came in back to the packhouse. I just want to have some time to myself before she comes with all her lies and excuses.

The car ride is quiet, though I can’t say that I’m surprised. Neal says nothing, but he does sniffle here and there. A part of me was hoping that he would say something, declare his love, try to ask forgiveness…..anything! At this point, it wouldn’t take much for Goliath and me to rip his throat out. Of course, he did none of those things; he just stayed quiet in the backseat.

We finally arrive at the packhouse in what felt like hours, though I know it didn’t take that long. I instruct the warriors to take Neal to the cells and take care of the car. I know I beat everyone back, and I’m glad I did. I just need some time to myself to think and to calm down. I know Mark should be in our office handling the pack business we dropped on him unexpectedly. I decide to go for a walk.

I walk slowly, trying to give myself time to reign in all of my emotions. If Lincoln wants to hear her out, I guess I have to; I just have to make sure I won’t kill her before she speaks. There is a spot I like to go through the woods a bit, so I head there. It isn’t spectacular with a breathtaking view or anything. It’s simply a place many don’t visit and is just the quiet I need. It is a small, open field amongst masses of trees. The branches and leaves make a perfect umbrella. There is a large boulder that sits in the middle of the area.

I easily make my way there and take a seat on the boulder. I take a few deep breaths, and the tears start to flow before I can stop. I waited my adult life for my mate, believing that she would be my eternal happiness, my peace. I finally find her just to have her betray me in the worst way. My soul is crying out, and my heart hurts. I don’t know how I can ever put this behind me.

I hear twigs snap behind me. I quickly wipe my face clean and slowly let some of my aura seep out. Just enough so whoever it is knows they will not make it out of here alive if they mean me harm. “You look like you could use a friend.”

“What do you want?” I can’t smell her, but I know her voice. I really don’t want to deal with her right now.

“Like I said, you look like you could use a friend.” I scoff.

“I’d hardly think to call you a friend, no offense.” She chuckles behind me, but I’m starting to feel the heat from her telling me that she is walking closer. I don’t move from my spot, nor do I turn around.

“I get it; I understand. We do have a past, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t be friends now. I can be a friend to you if you let me.” I don’t have a response for that. As great as it would be to have a friend right now, I know she can’t be her.

“Adela-” I feel her heat rough up against my back. I notice her legs come into view right on the sides of mine. Her arms encircle me, and she buries her head in my back as she embraces me. She starts to stroke my arms from my elbows to my shoulders and down again.

“Shhhh. Just lean back and let me help you. You can talk, vent, cry, whatever you need. Let me be here for you.” I can feel myself leaning back, scooting my bottom out to get comfortable against her chest. I’m almost settled against her; her heartbeat gets stronger the closer I get. I’m almost laying against her………


I know Landon is pissed; I get that. I try to explain through our link, but he blocks me. I guess I understand that. I know I surprised him because usually, I would be the one to be quick to judge and call for punishment. I can’t explain it, and maybe it’s just the mate bond, but something is telling me to get all the information first.


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