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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 77

“Well?! What do they do?” I’m pacing back and forth while keeping an eye on all exits. I’m deep in the forest in an unknown cabin, but that doesn’t mean people haven’t followed me. I look up, and the silence is becoming unbearable. “I don’t have all day! It’s almost time.”

To be clear, the Alpha ceremony is tomorrow. I have to be sure about these items before then. I have waited for an answer for days, and my patience is running out. This is the final piece to the puzzle. “You were given a bit of the wrong information.” I stop in my tracks.

“What do you mean?” The witch sighs.

“These were created for fated mates. If are in the same area, this keep their wolves from seeking the other out. The bond will be dampened so teh desire will be gone.” I swear that’s the same thing I told her in the first place.

“That’s what I told you.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “ For one to wear this, they make their wolf almost indetectable to their mate. They won’t be felt through their bond if marked. If not marked, they aren’t able to detect the scent. The draw is not available. When both mates wear these, they can be with others without allowing the betrayal to be felt.”

“Felt by anyone marked, like a chosen?”

“How is it that you know so little about your own kind? Fated mates are tied, down to their souls. When one is unfaithful, that pain is felt because of the souls being tied. A chosen is marked and they mate, but their souls are never tied together. How can they be when the bond wasn’t formed by your Goddess?”

I feel a smile form on my face as I reach for my items. The witch pulls her hand back, causing a growl to escape my lips. “This is powerful dark magic, and it goes against your Goddess. You have to be aware of the problems you can cause using these.” I snatch the bag and place it into my pocket.

“I don’t need your advice. I know exactly what I’m doing. You just make sure you keep your mouth shut! You never saw me.” I run to the door and pop my head out to make sure the coast is clear. I run into the woods and head to my next destination. I have a few hours to finalize my plans.


Our cars pull up to the packhouse, and my stomach is doing summersaults. I almost chickened out and had my dad come for the Alpha ceremony on his own. Mom has been gone for a while, but dad was able to push through. He always said it was because he had me in his life.


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