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Thunder wolf novel Chapter 3

Aaron's pov

I was sitting in my office surrounded by papers when I see dad enter my office.-

"I have been nothing but patient with you son but now I need you to decide !"

He said with authority.

"What are you talking about Dad?"

I said still doing my work, paying little attention to what he was saying .

"You know really well what I am talking about,it's been 3 long years and you still have no queen by your side!

People have started talking about it, doubting if they will ever have a queen,I gave you long enough time to overcome what happened in the past but now it's high time now Son!"

I was really tired ,not in the mood to carry forward this talk,just why can't I rule without a queen !!

"Dad you already know my answer ,please just leave me alone!"

"No son not this time,so many women of high rank and status have proposed you but you being you, didn't even acknowledge them,I need you to forget about Aleka and find a suitable queen for you!"

Aleka.. her name alone sends some weird thrills in my spine

I closed my eyes to see her beautifull face in front of me ,her smooth black hair ,her innocent eyes if only she was that innocent.

Appearences are truly deceptive,her appearence is the best epitome of that.

I have hated her for not protecting her sister,I have hated her for not shifting,I have hated her for being my mate and I will always hate her for killing my mother.

Still I couldn't find someone to replace her,I couldn't see someone else as the queen when she is my mate.

Aleka just why did you made my life so difficult?

If only you didn't kill my mother I could have accepted you,to bo honest after giving you a chance ,you proved your worth and I was ready to accept you but then I saw you covered in my mothers blood.

Just why did you do it Aleka ?why!!

"Son your murderer mate Aleka is dead ,she got what she deserved so stop thinking about her,I am sure you will find a much better girl than her just open your eyes and give them a chance"

Dead.. Aleka ..no!! this thought only makes me mad ,

she couldn't have died

I surely hated her but still I wanted to see her everyday ,I wanted to see those beautifull eyes looking at me,I wanted to smell her peach blossom fragrance,I wanted to feel her smooth velvety skin.

Everyone say's the facts ,they say no female wolf has ever survived being a rogue let alone a human.

But I just couldn't and didn't wanted to admit it.

"Aaron you are not just an Alpha you are the King of warewolfes ,you have some responsibilities towards your people,you have to find a suitable queen not for our pack or for yourself but for the entire kingdom!"

I have no choice ,dad is right ,I have to do this for my people,I have to replace Aleka ,I have to let her go

"Okay dad,just give me sometime!"

Dad hugged me and smiled

"I knew you would be a great king "

And he left

I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes

"Please Alpha trust me ...I didn't kill her...

Please believe me.....

I beg of you.....

I will die ...ple..aa...se........

Save me.........."

I could still hear her cries in my ears,I could still see her pleading eyes overflowing with tears,

I could still see her devastaded state

This memory has haunted me multiple times in these 5 years

I could still remember seeing her falling near my feet on getting rejected,I still remember that cold look on her face,I still remember guards dragging away her body which looked lifeless and that was the last time I saw her .

"Aaron Angela is nowhere to be found!!please do something !I think she crossed the border!"

Daniel said through the mindlink.

Never have I ever heard him so worried but then again no one was as special as his 4 years old daughter Angela.

"Dan calm down! We'll find her!"

With this, I mind linked all my warriors to search for her.

I called all the neighbouring Alphas to inform them about Angela.

She would be safe if she went there but I cannot say the same for my southernmost territory

It was no man's land and was mostly inhabited by rogues,there was no one to protect her there ,so me and Dan gathered our warriors and headed towards the south.


Aleka's pov

I freshened myself up near the stream,placed my silver knifes on the sides of my boots,pulling up my black hoodie over my face and placing my bow and arrows on my back

Ready for my journey

I had only covered a few metres when I heard a child crying and some people laughing near her.

I continued my journey ignoring her cries but after a few steps something was pricking my conscience.

I knew what it was.

My heart wanted to help her but my brain stated otherwise.

I turned around thinking that i'll help her quickly and return back to my journey.

When I went near the voices I saw a beautifull little girl with large green eyes crying and 3 rogues surrounded her

"Poor baby is crying!didn't your mother told you not to go to the forest alone!"

One of them said mocking her crying state.

The other one went towards her and held her beautifull golden locks in his hand and started sniffing them.

"Hmm delicious!guys we are going to have a fest today!!"

She took a step back

Her foot got stuck in a rock and she fell back bruising her elbow

They again started laughing at her helpless state.

I stepped forward and picked her tiny body up from her arm with my left hand.

"You know scaring a child is not an act of bravery but that of cowardiness"

Theit laughter died down and all 3 of them were now staring at me.


"Give back the child and we'll spear your life tiny rogue "

The girl clinged to my leg and hid herself behind me,she hugged to my leg like her life was dependent on it

Which was technically true in this scenario .

"I think you can find something else for your feast,she is not going anywhere near you"

"Do you have a death wish rogue,there is no chance of you winning against us 3"

I unlocked the girl's hands from my leg and gave her a slight push backwards with my left hand.

I didn't wanted to get her hurt.

"Try me!"

I said with a serious look.

And then two of them jumped at me

I was fast to dodge the attack of one and plung my knife into other one's chest.

He fell on the ground growling in pain .

One of the other tried to escape but I pulled out my arrow and aimed at his back hitting bulls eye.

Now only one was left.

Suddenly he jumped on my back and was ready to slash my throat with his claws, when I pushed him back with full force ,hitting his body at the tree behind and stabbing my knife in his heart.

He howled loudly.

I knew from experience that this was not just a howl of pain but also a howl of calling.

I went towards the small girl

Her eyes were closed and she was shaking with fear.

I touched her shoulder and she flinched.

On realising it's me she jumped and threw her body at me hugging me.

I haven't had a hug in long time and it felt weird.

But good at the same time

I pulled her back and looked into her eyes ,commanding her

"Turn back and go to your pack,

whatever happens don't stop and turn around,

Don't stop till you see someone you know.


She nodded but her feet were not moving

I gave her a slight push and she started walking to safe grounds

But suddenly she stopped and turned around.

I understood her look

She didn't wanted to leave me

She wanted me to come with her

But that was not possible.

"I said Don't look back!!just go!!"

I said raising my voice and she flinched with my harsh and rude tone.

We meet again 1

We meet again 2

We meet again 3


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