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Thunder wolf novel Chapter 5

Today was my second day here in my old pack.

The thing I loved the most here was

The soft mattress

I leterally slept like a baby on it

Sleeping on those hard grounds made me foget what the comfort of a bed felt like.

So here I was laying on the bed

Surrounded by my hug buddies aka my pillows

Looking at the ceiling deciding what to do today.

The Alpha passed a stay order on me so I had no choice but to stay here.

But I will only listen to his order untill my wounds recover.

On getting recovered I will break all his orders and will leave like a free bird breaking  through it's cage.

So for today I decided to visit my favourite place

After getting ready I walked down the stairs to see some pack members having breakfast

There were just 20 members sitting at the table whereas the pack consisted of nearly 1500 members.

After all ,this was the strongest pack in the world with the largest area , highest population and top best fighters.

It was named the Royal blood Moonlight pack after the Royal kings who were the Alphas of this pack.

They had a lot of enemies because of the the power and position they had but no one was able to overthrow the monarchy .

This could be done by defeating the King of warewolfes which was unheard of.

When I decended the stairs their gazes turned towards me and they started whispering to each other.

They must be thinking that I am a new member here .

The head seat was empty

I recognised some of the faces as they were in my class .

Some of them were my bullies back then.

I decided to ignore them and left the room

I don't think they will recognise me

I have changed alot in these 5 years

My body has changed from plumpy to toned

My hair has changed from black to light brown because of damaging by staying in sunlight for long

My skin colour has changed because of the tanning.

In total I was a completely different person now.

The place I went to visit was a cave

It was a secret cave which was hidden by the bougainvillia plant covering it's entrance.

This was my hideout from all the sorrows and agonies.

I used to come here to calm myself when things went overboard.

It was still the same.

Hideous and dark

I touched the rocks inside it.

I could still sense the negativity in this place because of the number of times I cried, screamed and sobbed in here.

I wish I was as strong then as I am now

But again we learn from our mistakes

And they make us what we are today

With a last look at this place I made my way towards the pack training grounds

The grounds was an open area in the middle of the territory where everyone from the age of 15 trained

The training was hardcore starting from jogging, squats,push ups and ending at hand to hand combat.

In the middle of it a circle was drawn inside which fights were taking place.

The fighters were fighting in human form but I had to admit that they had perfected it.

A fight was going on in the middle and everyone gathered around them.

Cheering them

I went further to see

The figure I saw fighting was the perfect girl of our pack .


She was beauty with brains

Her striking green eyes were rarest of rare and

Her fighting skills were unbeatable

By nature she was kind, sweet and loving and whenever people used to bully me she was the only one who tried to stop them.

She rarely lost her temper but whenever she did the receiver of her wrath begged for mercy

She was the perfect mate anyone could wish for unlike me

Aaron was friends with her and they used to get along well I wonder if they were still friends or more than that.

She won the fight and Aaron patted her on her back

She turned around and said something in his ear and they both laughed

I was never able to make him smile the only look I  ever saw on his face on seeing me was a cold stare

Just like the one he is giving me right now

His laughter died on seeing me and that serious look was back

Jane could make him laugh

She could understand him

And she was fit to be the luna

And I wasen't surprised when I heard few pack members next to me talking about how perfect they looked together.

I could still feel his glare on me but I decided to not look into his eyes.

I still remember my first fight here

It was the first time he felt ashamed of  having me as his mate

It was the first time I really understood what rejection meant.

And it was the first time I experienced mind numbing and bone breaking pain.


Today was the first time we were going to train and I was so excited.

When I came to know that unlike others I didn't shift I started training my human form to compete with others

I used to go and train in the woods at night when everyone was asleep.

And today was the day when I will show them that I am not as week as they think.

In human form only I will show them that I am no less than them.

After our physical exercise session it was time for the ring fight

In this wolves fight each other till one of them falls out of the ring or  surrenders.

Our  future Alpha was standing near the ring assessing the skills of each fighter and after each fight he appreciated or reprimanded the fighters.

Few days back I came to know that our next Alpha was my mate.

He wanted to reject me but I somehow managed to convince him to give me a chance and today was the perfect opportunity to show him that I was not weak.

My name was called and I went inside the ring ready to fight

My opponent was a boy from my class who bullied me.

The bell rang for the fight

He continued to smirk at me .

"This should be easy"

He said mockingly.

He attacked me first but I managed to dodge him.

I tried throwing a punch at him but he grabbed my fist in his hand.

Instead of letting go he started crushing it and I could feel the bones of my hand break.

I cried in pain and people around us started laughing

He continued to smile and before I could comprehend his next move,he twisted my entire arm behind my back and pushed me down.

Making my face to hit the ground and blood flowed out of my mouth.

I never felt so much pain before.

My hand was already broken and my arm was next.

He didn't show mercy instead he placed his leg on my back and started pulling my arm in a very painfull angle.

I scremed in pain but my cries were falling on deaf ears

I managed to open my eyes to see some people looking at me with pity and others with amusement.

Aaron's shoes could be seen in front of me

I wanted him to encourage me

To look at me and tell me that I can do it

But instead he turned his back on me

My scream intensified when the boy holding my arm twisted it futher and asked me to surrender

But I refused

I just  continued to look at his retreating steps hoping him to stop and turn around to  look at me just for once.

But he never did

Next I heard a sound of something breaking enter my ears and I felt so much pain that my body drifted into unconsciousness.


Stay order 1

Stay order 2

Stay order 3


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