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Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband (Blair and Sebastian) novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 


Grant seemed compelled to provide the proof he had previously kept hidden once Sebastian entered 

the picture. It seemed like Grant sensed that Sebastian’s words held more truth in this moment

As I thought it over, my doubts began to take shape. Whenever I’m with Grant, I feel distant, like we’re strangers. But with Sebastian, it’s different, I felt a strong connection, like electricity running through 

me, when he looked at me. It’s like he could see right into my soul. 

We decided to go back to the city where Grant claims we used to live before the accident. But he hasn’t 

explained how we ended up on that small island after the incident

Sebastian offered his boat for us to take to the city

No, we’re good. I already asked a friend of mine to pick us up,Grant replied

Why wait when you’re generously offering a ride? Unless you are trying to buy some time?Sebastian 


Grant’s jaw clenched visibly, a silent testament to the escalating tension between him and Sebastian. Sensing the impending clash, I swiftly intervened to diffuse the mounting hostility

I think we should accept Sebastian’s offer. There’s no reason for us to delay any longer,I suggested

hoping to steer the conversation in a more constructive direction

Grant remained silent, his disapproval palpable in the air. It was evident that my alignment with 

Sebastian’s proposal did not sit well with him, adding another layer of complexity to the already fraught 


Grant’s gaze softened slightly as he looked at me, but the tension in his demeanor remained palpable

Fine,he relented, his voice tight with restrained frustration. But don’t expect me to trust him.With

heavy sigh, Grant turned to me. Let’s get this over with,” he muttered, leading the way towards 

Sebastian’s boat


Chapter 92 


As we climbed into the boat, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach

Whatever revelations awaited us, I knew that our lives were about to change in ways we couldn’t yet 


As the boat rocked gently on the waves, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease gnawing at the pit of my 

stomach. Grant’s silence only added to the tension between us, casting a shadow of doubt over his 

every word

The gentle lull of the waves provided a soothing backdrop as we sailed further away from the shore

enveloped in a heavy silence. Despite the vast expanse of the ocean surrounding us, the tension 

onboard felt palpable, like a thick fog obscuring the horizon

My gaze wandered aimlessly over the water, lost in thought, when movement from the corner of my eye 

caught my attention. Grant, standing at the bow of the boat, had pulled out a cellphone and was 

engaged in a hushed conversation

A furrow formed between my brows as I watched him, a pang of unease tugging at my gut. How could 

he have kept something as significant as a phone hidden from me? It seemed like a deliberate omission

casting doubt on his motives and adding another layer of suspicion to our already difficult situation

My suspicion grows bigger when he abruptly ends the call when he notices me watching him. To satisfy 

my curiosity, I approached him to ask him about it

I didn’t know you had a phone with you,I said, curious

I just didn’t think it was important to tell you,” he replied vaguely

His answer didn’t sit right with me. It felt like he was hiding something. Despite his attempt to brush it 

off, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to the story

As we sailed towards the city, the tension between us grew. It was like there was a barrier between 

Grant and me, separating us further with each passing moment. I couldn’t help but wonder what other 

secrets he was keeping from me. And with every wave that crashed against the boat, I felt a sense of 

unease settle in the pit of my stomach, knowing that the journey ahead would be filled with uncertainty 

and revelations

As soon as Grant stepped away, it made me more suspicious. It seemed like he was dodging our 


Chapter 92 

conversation deliberately

After Grant left, Sebastian appeared on the deck

Sebastian approached me cautiously, his expression somber yet determined. We need to talk,he said, his voice tinged with urgency

I nodded in agreement, gesturing for Sebastian to follow me to a quieter spot on the deck where we 

could speak without interruption. As we settled into a secluded corner, I couldn’t shake the feeling of anticipation that hung in the air like a thick fog. Whatever Sebastian had to say, I knew it would only add 

another layer to the tangled web of secrets and lies that surrounded me

Sebastian’s eyes held a mix of concern and determination as he spoke, his words careful and serious

I’ve been searching for you for months,” he said. Ever since you vanished without a trace.” 


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