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Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband (Blair and Sebastian) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 


As I sank into the seat of the car, my body trembled with residual fear, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. My mind whirled with confusion, struggling to make sense of how I had ended up in such a harrowing situation

Memories flashed through my mind like a nightmare, each image tinged with the same sense of terror that had gripped me moments before. What happened seemed like a surreal blur, a series of inexplicable twists and turns that had led me to this moment of desperate flight

I tried to piece together everything that happened, but it felt like grasping at shadows, the threads of memory slipping through my fingers like sand. How had I become entangled in Grant’s web of violence and control? How did a kind and supportive man like Grant turn into a monster in just a snap

Questions swirled in my mind, each one more confounding than the last. But amidst the confusion, one thing remained clear: I was grateful to be sitting in this car, safe from the danger that lurked behind me

I was grateful that Sebastian remained silent throughout our journey. He didn’t push me to ask me what happened. He allowed me to absorb everything until I finally calmed down

I glanced at him, feeling a warmth wash over me as I took in his concerned expression. Though his gaze remained focused on the road ahead, I sensed a depth of thought in his eyes that hinted at something more

Despite the lingering tremors of fear that still gripped me, I realized I had almost overlooked expressing my gratitude for his presence in that crucial moment

Tthank you,I finally uttered when somehow my nerves calmed down

He remained silent. But I saw how his jaw clenched, trying to control his emotion. After a couple of minutes, I heard him blow a loud sigh

What happened?he asked

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. Grant was never violent. All those times that we stayed alone on that island, he never once forced himself on me. Not untilI couldn’t manage to finish my sentence as I saw his hand tighten its grip on the steering wheel


Chapter 95 

Did he” 


No, he didn’t. I manage to fight back and escape him just in time.It seems like those statements give him some kind of relief. He’s a good person, Sebastian,I said, trying to ease his anger. But I think it did the opposite

He looked at me with glaring eyes as he pressed harder on the gas, causing us to increase our speed. He wasn’t looking at the road, so it scares me that we might get into an accident. I immediately reached for his hand to calm him down

SebastianI called his name. I was glad that it worked since he started to decrease our speed

He’s not a good person, Blaire. He kidnapped you and tried to rape you. In my vocabulary, that doesn’t constitute a good person,he said

I let out a loud sigh. I don’t know what happened to him. He’s probably under a lot of stress because of what happened,I said, trying to think positively despite what happened

I’m also under a lot of stress since you’ve been missing, Blaire. But not even once did I try to force myself on you,he said, his voice leaving a hinge of jealousy

You have to understand where he was coming from. He’s my husband, yet I’m depriving him of my duty as a wife,I insisted

He is not your husband, goddamnit!he shouted, his hand striking the steering wheel with force

I was startled by his sudden burst of anger

I’m sorry,he quickly apologized when he noticed my reaction. He took a loud breath before speaking once again. Please allow, me to conduct a DNA test. If it still comes out negative, then I’ll leave you alone. I promise I will never disturb you or Grant again. That’s all I need,he pleaded

I don’t know. This feels so wrong. Grant already gave me the proof that I wanted. I don’t think it’s fair for me to go behind his back.” 

The man already tried to rape you, damn it! And yet, you’re still trying to defend him?He scoffs

I wanted to get offended, but when I saw the pain in his eyes, my anger immediately vanished. This situation 

hurts him as much as I do. He lost his wife. And right in front of him is me, a woman who resembles his wife. I can’t imagine the pain he’s going through right now


Chapter 95 

I’m sorry. But despite what Grant did, I still owe him the benefit of the doubt. He probably does that because I’ve been rejecting him and depriving him of my duty as his wife. He’s been nothing but good to me since my. accident, and I don’t think one mistake was enough to make me forget all the good things he does for me. Besides, he’s still my husband,I said

I’ve been leaning towards Sebastian since we left the island. And now that Grant has shown me proof of our relationship, I think I owe that to him

I was trying my best to let go of the feeling that lingered inside me toward Sebastian. He’s undeniably gorgeous and attractive. That’s probably the only reason why I’m feeling this way toward him. But I’m no adulterer. I will not betray Grant just for a moment of lust

I can’t despise him because of one mistake. We all made them, and we shouldn’t forget all the good things they did for us just because of one mistake

After I said that, Sebastian’s face remained dark, but he continued to be silent. He chose not to say anything rather than argue with me

We continued to drive to, I don’t know,. But my eyes widened in shock when he parked his car in front of a hotel

Where are we going?I asked in confusion

I can’t bring you home, so you’ll be staying here for now. I wanted to bring you to the police station to report what happened. However, judging by what you said a while ago, you probably had no plan to do so,he coldly replied

I’m not used to how he is talking to me right now. I don’t understand why, but my heart aches when he treats me like this. But who am I to complain? I already made my point a while ago

Thank you,I said

He just nodded in response before walking towards the entrance. I followed him silently as I watched his back. As we walked inside, I couldn’t help but notice how he immediately drew attention the moment he stepped into the lobby. It was as if everyone’s eyes were focused on him without even trying

Good evening, sir. How may I help you?The front desk officer greeted him with a very wide smile. She was so focused on Sebastian that she didn’t bother throwing a glance at me

I’d like a room, please,he said. Two rooms, adjacent, if possible,he quickly added


nuwa mjasi ivi iscing disappoint which earum say a su de manikiul, right? But why am I feeling offended that he didn’t want to take this opportunity to stay in the same room with me

Cut it, Dylan! You don’t like him, remember? You already chose to believe Grant. Why are you acting as if you were hoping that he still insists that you are his wife? The tiny voice inside my head scolded me

To be honest, I’m more confused than I was before. I wanted to believe Grant, but my heart says otherwise. I feel pain when I choose Grant over him. And I feel hurt whenever he acts as if he doesn’t care about me at all. I think I’m going to lose my mind

After a few minutes, the woman at the front desk finally handed him the card. She was obviously flirting, but it seems like Sebastian hadn’t noticed it. It’s either that or he’s so used to it that he doesn’t care

The thoughts of Sebastian with another woman gnawed at me, stirring up a whirlwind of confusion. Why was! so bothered by the idea? It didn’t make sense. This feeling should have dissipated the moment Grant proved his identity as my husband. So why was it intensifying instead


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