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True Fated Marriage novel Chapter 2123

Sylvia and Kendrix were left behind. In the winter, not a single person could be seen on the mountain, and the surroundings were a little bleak.

The two of them stayed silent, neither of them spoke.

Sylvia kept her head down as she stared at her toes, while Kendrix walked ahead very slowly.

By the time Sylvia came back to her senses, she realized that she and Kendrix were left on their own. Where had Uncle Lowell and Claudia gone?

Sylvia got a little anxious. That was just great. Even though she really wanted to be alone with Kendrix, she felt a little embarrassed after what happened the night before.

She felt that she was a little too bold to have done that to Kendrix.

As of then, when she suddenly saw Kendrix again, she realized that she hadn't properly adjusted her mood yet. It was so embarrassing to meet him again suddenly.

So long as she thought of that scene the night before, she would blush slightly.

At that moment, there were only the two of them. She looked at Kendrix's back and pursed her lips.

She wanted to say something, but she was afraid that her words would ruin the quiet atmosphere. So, Sylvia could only greedily take in the sight of Kendrix's back like that, while deep in thoughts. What should she say? Should she even speak?

If she spoke, she would destroy the beautiful quietness.

If she did not speak, she feared that she wouldn't have the chance to say anything again.

In the end, Sylvia finally mustered up enough courage to ask, "So, Mr. Trevino, when will you be leaving?"

Kendrix did not even look back, he just said, "When the time is right."

"When the time is right?" Sylvia thought that he was just spouting nonsense. She looked at his back once more, and could not help but take two steps forward. When she stood beside him, she saw his side profile. "When is the right time?"

Kendrix turned his head and looked at Sylvia. She raised her small face and looked at him with her bright and sparkly eyes.

His gaze turned deeper and darker, and he asked, "Why? Do you really want me to leave that badly?"

"Of course not." Sylvia frantically shook her head. "That's not what I meant."

"Then, what did you mean?" Kendrix asked her in return.

"I..." She wanted to know the exact time of his departure, so that she could prepare for it. However, she was afraid that she would still feel a little lost after he leave.

Kendrix probably wouldn't understand her conflicting and complicated feelings.

Sylvia stretched her lips and said, "I don't want you to go at all."

Kendrix's face froze. His gaze at her deepened and stayed for a little while before he looked away.

He did not say anything else, and the silence between them went on.

All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew over, it was somewhat chilly, enough to make one shiver.

Sylvia shrank her neck. Kendrix looked at her and asked, "Are you cold?"

When she suddenly heard his voice of concern, Sylvia was so shocked that she shouted, "Huh?"

"What?" Kendrix frowned.

Sylvia felt awkward too, and she whispered embarrassingly, "It is just that the wind is a little strong, and I was shocked. Besides..."

"Besides, what?" Kendrix asked again.

"Besides, I'm not used to you suddenly caring about me like this," Sylvia spoke in a low voice.

As she said that, she looked up at Kendrix once more.

To her, it looked like there was a subtle blush on that handsome and chiseled face too.

The color on his face was very faint, but it was enough to make Sylvia feel a different vibe than usual.

He was blushing.

She opened her small mouth slightly in surprise. She could not believe her eyes. Mr. Trevino's cheeks were really red.

Yes! He was blushing.

He was an innocent, lovely and beautiful man.

For some reason, Sylvia thought of him like that.

She smiled. Her neat teeth could be seen shining brightly under the sun in the winter.

Kendrix frowned again, then he shifted his gaze and stopped looking at her. He said in a rough voice, "What are you smiling at?"


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