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True Fated Marriage novel Chapter 2154

It was Kendrix, and he didn't expect to see Sylvia around here. He thought he was mistaken when he saw her.

If she hadn't greeted him or waved at him, he would think he had mistaken.

He was sure that it was her when he saw her smile.

He stood there and looked at her from a short distance away. He made no effort to walk towards her.

Though she wanted to run towards him, she decided against it since he showed no response.

She clenched her palms that were in the pockets of her jacket, not wanting him to know.

She smiled and did not rush forward as she watched him from a distance.

If she got closer, she would not have the courage to look at him.

Their eyes met.

He was also looking at her.

Kendrix's gaze fell onto Sylvia, but she could not make out the emotions in his eyes.

They were too far away.

However, if they stood closer to each other, she would know just how intensely he was gazing at her.

There were also traces of sorrow and surprise on his face.

Unfortunately, she was oblivious to these due to the distance separating them.

From the moment he saw her, his gaze never shifted.

She was slender, and it felt like she would get carried away with the wind. Even with such a thick jacket, she didn't look plump at all.

Five minutes passed since they started staring at each other.

They were both waiting for the other to walk over.

Sylvia's hands were still in her pockets, but they were sweating a puddle.

She was betting that Kendrix would walk over to her.

However, it didn't seem likely that he would.

She knew it was almost impossible to see him approaching her.

So, why did she still hope?

She long-knew he wouldn't take the initiative to come to her.

She had to knock herself out of this.

She lowered her head and let out a wry, lonely smile.

Then, she laughed.

She was not as mature as he was to be able to hide her emotions well.

Did she even have the right to be mad at this?

She then looked up and began walking towards him.

Kendrix watched as Slyvia strutted over with a brilliant smile.

Her smile hurt his eyes. It was so dazzling.

When she got close to him, he straightened his body, wanting to call out to her, "Syl—"

However, before he could, she interrupted him, "Happy New Year, Mr. Trevino. Fancy meeting you here."

She didn't think he was here for her. She would never allow herself to assume so.

It was just a coincidence that they bumped into each other, she thought to herself.

Kendrix raised his eyebrows and looked at Sylvia. He finally asked, "Why are you here?"

Her heart ached when she saw his confused expression. Indeed, it was just a coincidence they bumped into each other.

"My relative lives here."

She did not say which relative it was.

He paused and asked, "William Carter?"

She nodded. "Yes."

It was not surprising at all for him to know her great-grandfather. He was a rather capable and renowned policeman, after all.

He nodded. The atmosphere was about to descend into weighty awkwardness.

Sylvia was about to say something to ease the awkwardness when Kendrix spoke.

"Why are you hanging on the streets alone on New Year's?"

The question stunned her for a moment before she flashed him a smile. "I could ask you the same question."


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