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True Fated Marriage novel Chapter 2164

"No, it's fine." Sylia found it strange as her getting a good grade had nothing to do with Chigo. Even if she wanted a reward, it wouldn't be from him.

But how would he know about this? He must have investigated her.

After all, he knew that Kendrix was her teacher, so such minor detail of her getting the first place was nothing.

But why didn't she notice at all?

Even if he wanted to investigate, it was impossible to find out her feelings for Kendrix.

It was too strange, and the more she thought about it, the more she was afraid.

"What if I insist?" Chigo asked with a smile.

"It'll make you the most annoying person I have ever known." Sylvia had lost all her patience and manners with him, especially when she was mad at the thought he looked through her. "Don't you know to respect others?"

"But aren't we just like siblings? How are you 'others'?" He smiled.

She frowned, still feeling uncomfortable. But she couldn't get mad at him when he referred to them as siblings.

As long as he regarded her as his sister, it meant that was all that was between them.

As long as he kept it at that, she would be satisfied.

Sylvia had been worried that Chigo would say more, but he didn't after that, just smiling at her.

It was the type of smile you couldn't get mad at.

She said, "I don't need a reward, Chigo, but I really have to go back now."

"Alright, c'mon, I'll walk you home." Looking at her, he took out a rectangular box from his pocket and handed it to her.

"What's this?" she asked, but she had already deduced it was a gift as it was wrapped.

"It's your New Year present," he replied, "But I don't know if you'll like it."

"I don't want gifts." Her first reaction was rejection.

However, he was not the kind of person who would take no for an answer so easily.

"Why not? Can't I give a gift to my sister? Plus, we haven't seen each other in a while." He quirked his brows, looking at her as he extended the exquisite gift box toward her.

She frowned. What would happen if she accepted


"What's inside?" she asked but didn't take it from him.

"You'll know when you open it," Chigo said with a smile.

"Just tell me what's inside." Sylvia had made up her mind not to accept it if he didn't tell her.

"A hair comb," he said.

"Hair comb?" She was stunned.

How could he give her something like this?

"Yes." He smiled and opened the box.

She caught sight of the beautiful hair comb, which was probably one of a kind.

To her knowledge, at least. She had never seen such a design.

Her eyes lit up seeing it.

That was the most direct expression of appreciation and fondness for the hair comb.

How could Chigo not understand this look?

He smiled and said, "I made this hair comb myself. I hope you will like it."

"You made it yourself?" She was surprised he was this crafty.

How unbelievable.

Curiosity drove her to pick up the hair comb. Scrutinizing it, she saw her name engraved on it.

The name 'Sylvia' was unmissable.

Chigo wasn't lying to her when he said he made it.

"I'm surprised you're so crafty, Chigo," she couldn't help praising him. He was even craftier than her.

"Thank you." He laughed, "You seem to like it very much. It's yours now."

"But, I don't know how to wear it." Although she liked it, she still didn't think she should accept such a gift. "So, I can't accept this."

He smiled and said, "I'm sure your mom knows. You can ask her to tie your hair into a bun, though I don't mind doing it for you. If you'd like, I can do it now."


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