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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 102


Chapter 102 

Arvin’s single comment brought the furious stream of adoration for their beloved star Naylor 

to a sudden halt. All at once, the excited chatter erupted anew

Whoal Coming in hot right out of the gate, huh?” 

This script is wild” 

Walt, who is this guy? Why’s he throwing shade at our Naylor?!” 

I was just thinking how cute Naylor looked, and now I feel like I’m going blind!” 

My heart aches for Naylor!” 

Jesus! Some random joker thinks he can mess with Naylor’s fans?” 

Chill out. This is obviously just part of the show.” 

LOL. Winnie is clearly not feeling it. Candace and Gentry, on the other hand, are killing it with their performances.” 

The last comment referred to the reactions of the other three after Mervin’s remark

Winnie was a study in indifference without a flicker of surprise in sight

Candace and Gentry, however, expressed visible astonishment tinged with confusion

WaitNobody clue us in on the script? What’s the next move?they thought so

After his initial surprise, Naylor showed his confusion, but he turned to Mervin with a goodnatured look, Is there something that’s bothering you about me? We still have several episodes to film together. If there’s any issue, please tell me directly. I wouldn’t want it to affect our shooting.” 

That response was the epitome of patience.” 

Anyone who had seen Naylor on that talent search show knew he was a gentleman through and through. The chat was filled with a fresh wave of sympathy

I’m tearing up here, Naylor’s just too sweet!” 

If it were me, I’d have slapped that smirk right off his face.” 

It breaks my heart. Naylor doesn’t even know why he’s being targeted!” 

Baily, a bystander, was just as confused by the unfolding scene

The show had barely started, and already it seemed like trouble was brewing

All the crew members were just as baffled. No one had expected such a twist before Kane even made his entrance

When Mervin, still with that stern look, despite Naylor’s bewildered question, spoke again with



chill in his voice, You know what you’re carrying around behind you.” 

His words sent a shiver down everyone’s spine on a hot summer’s day

Naylor dilated his pupils ever so slightly, but they quickly returned to normal, his brow furrowed in confusion. I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” 

At the sight of Naylor’s denial, Mervin didn’t press him further, instead turning his gaze to Winnie. You can see it, can’t you?” 

There was anger in Mervin’s voice, yet it wasn’t directed at Winnie

Winnie didn’t seem surprised to be suddenly called out. She could sense something about Naylor

Although she hadn’t met this disciple of Mervin’s before, she’d heard of him from a member of the Breeze Monastery. He was talented but still needed to temper his personality

And this reality show was obviously his way of doing just that

Winnie had always thought she was quite impulsive, but next to Mervin, she felt downright 


After a moment of thought, she didn’t directly respond to Mervin. Instead, she dropped a bombshell that baffled everyone, I also suggest the production doesn’t involve Naylor in the upcoming recordings.” 

It wasn’t just because he carried the weight of five souls on his shoulders, but also because the aura of death around him tended to attract malevolent spirits, especially in places heavy with sinister energy

As Winnie spoke, her eyes swept subtly over to Baily

If anyone in the group was likely to heed her advice, it would be Baily who had shown her some respect earlier

At that moment, Baily was practically pulling his hair out in frustration. Could it be that Naylor was indeed problematic? But kicking someone off the show now would be the joke of the century

The show hadn’t even been on for five minutes and they were already facing a major disruption that could lead to a temporary shutdown

Yet he was quite certain of Winnie’s capabilities. If she said Naylor wasn’t fit to continue, perhaps he really wasn’t

With that thought, Baily instinctively looked towards the show’s executive director, Bagot

Bagot turned grim as he caught Baily’s gaze, his eyes flashing a stern warning

*Keep your mouth shut! Don’t even think about it!” 

Bagot would not allow such a blemish on his record


Chapter 102 

Baily gave Winnie an apologetic glance

Winnie got the message from the production team loud and clear

Sure, she could expose Naylor as a murderer right on the show, but they had no evidence

Even for a show that dabbled in the metaphysical, there were limits

They couldn’t just summon a spirit to point the finger at the culprit. That would only spread unnecessary panic, and the show would be shut down for good

They had to get through the episode’s recording

Winnie made up her mind, but her expression remained unfazed throughout

Perhaps it was her aloof demeanor that drove the online audience into a frenzy

Putting on airs! Two nobodies ganging up on a celebrity, what are they thinking?” 

I recognize that lady. It’s her debut, and now I get it. It’s all staged for her.” 


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