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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

Horace caught the emotions on the maid’s face and asked, What’s up, Zoe?” 

The maid, Zoe, promptly stepped forward and revealed, Dotty did mention when she first joined the Bryant family that her son had some intellectual disabilities and had been living in a special needs school.” 

Since they started working for the Bryant family around the same time and got along well, Zoe was wellinformed about Dotty’s family affairs

Winnie then asked her, Do you know when her son stopped beingslow?” 

Zoe thought it over and said, It should be eight years ago. I remember she was over the moon one day, claiming her son was cured.It was summertime, as I recall.” 

Understanding dawned on Winnie, but she turned to Horace and asked. Eight years ago, was there a child around the Bryant family or in the neighborhood who suddenly became intellectually impaired?” 

Everyone present, including Clifford, who had been silent up to that point, looked perplexed at her question. You mean to say… 

To restore intelligence to a child who has lost it, one might have to transfer that missing intelligence from another, but in doing so, the donor would end up taking the place of the recipient, becoming the mentally challenged one.” 

She had asked about the people around Dotty and the Bryant family because Dotty had been a servant for a decade in the family, and her daytoday interactions were inside the Bryant Manor. Therefore, her options for a suitable donorwere narrow

As Winnie explained her theory, understanding began to dawn on everyone

Still irritated that Winnie had been ignoring him, Springer suddenly blurted out. That daft girl from the Sanchez family!” 

Heads turned towards Springer, and Clifford, with a stern face, scolded him, Do not refer to Miss Sanchez in such a manner!” 

Then, he turned back to Winnie, taking her more seriously despite his skepticism about her abilities. If what Winnie suggested was true and involved Miss Sanchez, it was no longer a matter concerning only Dotty

The Sanchez and Bryant families had been friends for generations, and Miss Sanchez had indeed suffered a decline in mental acuity eight years ago


Miss Sanchez’s condition was because of a horseback riding accident. She fell and hit her head,someone added



If it weren’t for the accident, the wealthy Sanches family would have consulted the masters

Because they believed her condition resulted from a physical injury, the Sanchez family never considered alternative explanations

Did Miss Sanchez visit the Bryant Manor around eight years ago?Winnie inquired

Horace, the eldest grandson of the Bryant family, usually hosted younger visitors, so he remembered quite clearly. He also recalled that Miss Sanchez, with her cherubic features and polite demeanor, had left a distinct impression on him

It seemed the horseback riding accident had happened after her visit to the Bryant family, and following the incident, the Sanchez family never brought her over again

Do you have a photo of her?Winnie asked

Horace didn’t have a photo but could get one from a social media platform. Soon enough, he presented a picture of Miss Sanchez to Winnie

A glance was all it took for Winnie to confirm. It’s her,” 

Although Winnie seemed certain, the gravity of the situation didn’t ease anyone in the living 


The Sanchez family was affluent and respected, with a legacy spanning over a century. If the allegations were true, it meant the Bryant family had victimized Miss Sanchez Indirectly

If the Bryant family were unaware of Dotty’s actions, there would be little distinction between. the two to outsiders

Given the affectionate way the Sanchez family had treated Miss Sanchez despite her condition. a careless step could potentially sever the cordial relationship between the two familles

This talk of swapping wits sounds like total nonsense. If it were that easy, couldn’t I improve my intelligence too?Unable to determine whether he disbelieved or just wanted to contradict. Winnie. Springer scoffed

After enduring his relentless skepticism, Winnie finally gave him her full attention. You certainly could exchange one.” 

With her delicate features and youthful complexion, Winnie naturally exuded innocence, so when she responded earnestly. Springer took it as genuine advice

However, it quickly dawned on him what kind of exchangeshe suggested, and his face flushed. with anger

You’re calling me dumb!” 

Springer was red with rage, pointing at Winnie and looking ready to brawl as the second and third branches of the Bryant family descended the stairs. Terrell swiftly stepped in, slapping his son on the rear with a resounding smack. What’s all this fuss about? Will you ever stop pestering Winnie?” 



Chapter 11 

Terrell’s slap wasn’t light, and Springer jumped with a yelp. Dad!” 

He whipped around, his neck craned in Indignation, and he hulled, “Why the heck did you hit me? She started it. She called me names first!” 

That’s bullshit. Why would Winnie lash out at you for no good reason?Terrell scowled with disbelief on his lace

Springer was seething, pointing an accusing finger at Winnle. She did. She just called me a dummy!” 

Everyone in the Bryant family turned to look at Winnle, and nearby, Amber hurried to clarify the whole situation, including the part about Winnie saying that Ms. Sanchez had her wits switched out by Dotty, which left her addlebrained


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