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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112 

When the headline Local Celebrity Naylor Confesses to Serial Killingshit the trending charts, most netizens were bewildered, many not even recognizing who Naylor was. However, the obscurity of the name did nothing to stifle the interest of the Emerald Bay Police Department when they stumbled upon the trending topic

They were in the midst of investigating a series of murders that targeted young women, and until now, they had no leads

The detective who was in charge of the case, clicked on the trending link with a mix of anger and disbelief. He was infuriated not because they had a break in the case but because it seemed someone was using their grim investigation as fodder for a reality TV show

Unbelievable! We’ve been keeping details under wraps to avoid a public panic, and these reality TV stars are out here turning a serial murder case into some kind of murder mystery game!He exclaimed

His partner chimed in equally upset, These shows will do anything for clicks these days!Still, they couldn’t help themselves and clicked on the video, only to find themselves listening to a recorded conversation that left them stonefaced and astounded

The details Naylor nonchalantly spilled about the victims matched those of the actual -casesthe specifics of which had never been disclosed to the public

Could there have been a leak in the department? Impossible. Due to the severity of the crimes, a special task force had been established, and all case files were under lock and key

If there was no leak, that left only one chilling possibilitythe killer himself knew the details of each victim

The thought made the detective’s skin crawl, and without hesitation, his superior ordered, Cole, get into that Ghostly Guidance stream and track everything! Gage, get in touch with the production team ASAP.” 

Glancing at the live viewer count, his superior added with urgency, Contact the platform, have them shut down the stream for sensitive content, and find out where they’re filming. We’re heading there now.” 

So began the mobilization that viewers would soon notice as the official intervention in the 


Meanwhile, Winnie was unaware that a squad of seasoned officers were already on the move

In the eerie realm of the mirror, Naylor had just spilled everything when his gaze darkened, locking onto Winnie with lethal intent

If you hadn’t shown up, Yolanda would’ve been the sixth,he seethed, but now, you’ll take 


her place.” 

Winnie, unphased by the malevolent glare, knew she had faced far worse

What you didn’t consider,she said coolly, is that the malevolent spirits drawn here by your evil are also empowering the avenging ghosts.” 

Before Naylor could grasp the significance of her words, he felt an icy grip encircle his neck, a chill that seemed to bore right into his bones

In a panic, he turned to Winnie, eyes wide with terror, What do you meanack!” 

Before he could finish, multiple cold hands clutched his throat, squeezing with otherworldly strength. The five victims, now specters fueled by the house’s dark energy, had finally become tangible enough to enact their revenge

Winnie, without hesitation, drew a charm and cast it into the air

By the power of sky, earth, and the human spirit, let the triad unite, let the cosmos align, I invoke the cleansing, break!” 

As the viewers watched through the livestream, the screen shattered with a glassbreaking sound, and Winnie and Naylor came into focus at the end of a dim hallway

Before the audience could react, they saw Naylor, his face contorted in horror, as if being strangled by invisible forces. And to their utter shock, the shadows seemed to reveal five petite figures surrounding him, their hands tightly gripping his throat

The scene shocked the audience, and then the screen went black. A moment later, an official broadcast warning popped up, and just like that, the stream was cut off

Millions of viewers were left in an uproar. Just when the show reached its climax, they were cut outleft with nothing but the chilling image of Naylor and the avenging spirits

The comments and complaints flooded the official Ghostly Guidance social media accounts. Dude, I was so into that! What happened to Naylor?!” 


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