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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 126


Chapter 126 

In the heat of the moment, Candace lunged forward to grab Suzan’s arm, while Ned, who stood nearby, also snapped into action, seizing Suzan’s other arm

Don’t you think you should try and calm down Mrs. Hendersonmaybe sweettalk her a bitNed suggested to Winnie, without letting go of Suzan

But Winnie stood still her gaze cold and indifferent, not showing the slightest bit of emotion

Don’t hold her back, she won’t be kneeling today.Winnie declared matteroffactly

Suzan had always looked down on Winnie, treating her like a pawn in her own game, even after Winnie returned to the Bryant family. Suzan had the audacity to think she could manipulate 

Winnie with ease

Her pride and haughtiness were too ingrained, kneeling was beyond her dignity

It was just an empty threat

Ignoring the disapproving glares from those around her, Winnie even took a step back, as if settling in to watch the drama unfold. She turned to Suzan, who was still being held, and coaxed in a slow voice. Weren’t you about to kneel?” 

Disregarding Candace’s desperate eye signals, Winnie then said to the pair holding Suzan. Let her go. It’s all for show anyway; no need for this charade.” 

Her words made Candace and Ned suddenly realize that they were supporting a woman didn’t need their help. In fact, they hadn’t been applying much force at all


Perhaps to prove Winnie’s point, or maybe due to a mischievous impulse, Candace actually let 

  1. go

The crowd watched as Suzan’s face flashed with embarrassment, quickly replaced by a look of furious indignation directed at Winnie

The expression vanished in an instant, and Suzan then dramatically plopped onto the nearby couch, covering her face and wailing, What did I do to deserve this? My child treats me like the enemy, even trying to embarrass me in front of everyoneWhere did I screw up as a mom?Quincy, watching his own mother’s performance, had a complex expression on his face. In front of the cameras, he had to feign a son’s concern, resulting in a rather odd look

Compared to him, Kathryn remained cool under pressure. Without any rehearsal, she naturally teared up and continued Suzan’s act, Mom, please don’t cry. It’s not your fault” 

Her voice was full of sorrow and vulnerability, tugging at the heartstrings of everyone watching the live stream

The audience was outraged

How could Winnie be so heartless? Suzan had raised her for eighteen years! It didn’t matter if 

Chapter 126 

Winnie lacked the ability to resolve the Henderson family’s issues; she shouldn’t treat the woman who raised her like this!” 

Someone who could turn their back on their foster mother was no better than a beast!” 

The chat was ablaze with anger and disgust

Winnie is despicable! She’s ruining the good name of Emerald Bay!” 

While the netizens was in an uproar, Winnie narrowed her eyes and spoke again, her voice icy. Do you want to taste the feeling of being forced to tell the truth again?” 

Her words struck a nerve in Suzan, halting her theatrics and causing both her and Kathryn to freeze

The viewers were bewildered by the sudden shift in tone, sensing an undercurrent of hidden truths

Before they could voice their curiosity or skepticism, the chatroom screen exploded with a barrage of virtual fireworks. One after another, they lit up the stream with their dazzling effects

Each virtual firework represented a substantial donation, and the most extravagant among them, the Starry Sky,signified a gift of staggering value. The chat broadcasted messages of gratitude to Horace, who had donated an impressive series of Starry Skiesto the stream

Amidst the visual spectacle, Horace sent a succinct message through the chat, Winnie, don’t be afraid, your brother’s here.” 

The audience was stunned, trying to process the revelation. Could Horace Bryant be Winnie’s brother, publicly backing her up

The donations didn’t stop there. More Starry Skieserupted across the screen, each. accompanied by messages from other donors- Clifford Bryant, Middleton Bryant, and Springer Bryanteach displaying their support for Winnie

Amidst the chaos, the Bryant family drama unfolded, with new alliances being formed and old ones tested, all under the watchful eyes of the live stream audience

A whole lineup of folks with the surname Bryant

To say they had no ties to Winnie, the viewers would rather die than believe


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