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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 

Even knowing he couldn’t get a replacement, Kane felt no regret

Sure, the charm was used, but at least it saved a life

Mervin had brought it up as a reminder

For these celebs without a lick of psychic power, even with a charm, they shouldn’t be the first. to rush into danger, let alone get cocky because they were armed with a charm

Especially since the ghost just wanted to give the boastful Mrs. Henderson a good scare, not take her out. Otherwise, today’s incident wouldn’t have ended so simply

Thanks to Barton’s mishap, the crew was now evacuating the premises

Kane and his fellow guests, along with the host, made their way out, aiming to wrap up episode on a high note at the doorway


Just as they were about to reach the exit, a voice came from behind, followed by a thud and at groan

The guestscameramen, who were all walking ahead to capture the action, managed to get the scene behind the guests on film

The live 

group,ream showed Kathryn, maneuvering her electric wheelchair as if chasing after the 

She managed the ramp just fine, but upon reaching the flat ground after the stairs, the chair jolted to the side as if it hit something. Kathryn tumbled out in a heap of disarray.. 

Even though the crew knew about the Henderson heiress’s past misdeeds, they couldn’t just stand by and watch her fall. They rushed over to help her up

Kathryn cursed her bad luck, which had led her to make a fool of herself on camera and even her oncedoting mother and brother were beginning to look at her differently

Just as the crew helped her back into her wheelchair, a hand reached over and picked up a familiarlooking amulet

Kathryn’s eyes widened as she touched her neck and found it bare. She wanted to snatch the amulet back, but stopped short when she saw who held it

Mr. Morgan,she said, her heart pounding as she looked at Kane

She had rushed out hoping to exchange a few words with Kane. It wasn’t because of his star status, but rather because he was from a rich family

Her father hadn’t said anything, but she knew their family’s business was suffering. If she could connect with the Morgans, her father would surely hold her in higher regard

With this in mind, she lifted her pale, delicate face, her voice soft and slightly trembling. Mr. 

Chapter 133 

Morgan, thank you for saving my mother. If it hadn’t been for you, something terrible might have happened” 

As Kathryn spoke, her eyes welled up with tears, and her voice broke

Candace, watching from the side, rolled her eyes but kept quiet

Kane remained unmoved by Kathryn’s pitiful act. He’d worked with enough seasoned actors to know a performance when he saw one

But he didn’t bother to call her out, simply replying, Don’t mention it.” 

As he handed back the amulet, he couldn’t help but comment on the craftsmanship. This carved artwork, it’s by Master Winner, isn’t it?” 

He lately had taken a liking to the master’s works, privately collecting several pieces. But he had never seen an inscribed amulet like this before

Kathryn was briefly pleased that he initiated conversation, but then choked when he mentioned 

the amulet

She didn’t know any Master Winner. The amulet was clearly crafted by that bitch Winnie. She wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something made by Winnie if it weren’t for the amulet’s supposed power

She glanced at Winnie, who was nearby, and mumbled, It was a gift from my brother, not from the master you mentioned” 

Not wanting to give Winnie any credit on camera, and since Winnie hadn’t claimed the amulet, Kathryn conveniently obscured its origins

Kane, hearing her response, became even more convinced of his guess, The patterns on this carved artwork are indeed Master Winner’s style 

but it’s rare for the master to work on inscriptions. I couldn’t help but take a closer look. It’s a pity it’s cracked” 

As Kane spoke, the cameraman zoomed in on the amulet, capturing its design in detail

Meanwhile, Horace, Clifford, and Springer touched their own amulets recognizing it as one of Winnie’s creations. What did Winnie’s amulet have to do with Master Winner? And why did the name sound so familiar

What they didn’t know was that that in another room of the Bryant Manor, Hobson felt a rush of excitement at Kane’s words. Knowing Kane’s hobby of collecting carved artworks, Hobson had no doubt about the authenticity of Kane’s claim

Where had Quincy gotten such an amulet? And why did it look oddly familiar

On the other side, Mervin also leaned in to inspect the amulet,his memory tickled by the name Master Winner

One glance and his eyes lit up


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