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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 

Hobson was fuming, feeling like Springer, since his socalled act of rebellion, had constantly backed Winnie up. It would seem as if Springer had been bewitched

She’s doing it on purpose. I tell you. She drew those charms herself. And since when has she been short of charm money? How much can one of those things even cost?” 

Bacchus, who had been silent throughout, perked up at this, his curiosity piqued. He couldn’t help but chuckle and ask, Do you even know how much Winnie charges for one of her charms?” 

Springer, eager to impress his grandfather, puffed out his chest and held up two fingers, Two grand, that’s the starting price!” 

Two thousand dollars was chump change for the Bryant family

In the past, Springer might have scoffed at Winnie for being so downtoearth, but he didn’t do that anymore

She earned every penny with her skills and whatever she charged was her rightful due

Compared to the rest of them, living off the family fortunes, Winnie was remarkable

Bacchus raised an eyebrow at the price, not at all thinking it was low. To an ordinary household, even a few hundred bucks would be steep, let alone two thousand

Yet, compared to corporations that shell out millions for fortunate consultations, this sum was hardly worth mentioning

Winnie was making her own way, and Bacchus didn’t see it as tarnishing the Bryant family’s reputation in the slightest

Especially after having someone delve into her time with the Henderson family, he understood why she was so keen on earning her money

The Henderson family, for all their glamour, never gave her cash for personal expenses. They claimed it was to prevent bad spending habits, but in reality, it was to ensure she had no choice but to depend on them

Clifford knew about Winnie’s side hustle selling charms, but on hearing the price from Springer, his first reaction was still one of concern

Winnie worked hard on those charms, and all she got was two thousand apiece? She must be short on cash

Without a second thought, Clifford pulled out his phone, ready to transfer another million to her 


He was so keen on loving Winnie

Hobson had been waiting for Bacchus or Clifford to take his side, but instead, he got curiosity 

Chapter 141 

from one and sympathy from the other, with neither looking to champion his cause

With no evidence to prove his point, Hobson could only swallow his frustration

He was a gentleman, after all. He wouldn’t stoop to argue with a lady

He thought that’d be the end of it

But the next day, the Bryant family, a rare sight altogether, sat down for breakfast

Winnie came downstairs a little late, greeted the elders, and was about to take her seat

Seeing her reminded Hobson of his grievances from the night before. He thought he might use the opportunity with everyone present to corner her into confessing last night’s antics

Just as the thought crossed his mind and he was about to speak out, the sensation of his mouth being sealed shut from the night before returned

Hobson widened his eyes once again. Turning to face Winnie’s almost smirking demeanor, his face flushed with anger

It seemed she had tailored the curse specifically for herself

Recalling their bet where he was to keep silent in her presence, Hobson felt deeply humiliated

Winnie really must despise talking to him! This was too much

His face turning various shades. Unable to voice his frustration, he put down his utensils and started furiously typing on his phone

The rest of the Bryant family were peacefully enjoying their breakfast when their phones suddenly buzzed with a flurry of group messages, causing a collective stir

With everyone at the table, who would be texting

It was Hobson, claiming that Winnie had cursed him and now he couldn’t speak in her presence

Springer, tired of the same old story, snapped, Hobson, we’ve been over this. Winnie just came downstairs. How could she have cursed you? And you can talk just fine. You were just chatting with Amber!” 

Incensed, Hobson saw the rest of the family’s confusion and typed again

She cursed me last night and it’s personalized. I can talk normally to anyone else, but I’m mute around her!” 

The Bryant family glanced at Winnie, skeptical about such an absurd curse

Middleton, who never liked Winnie’s dabbling in the mystical, was especially irritated. He didn’t believe in such nonsense and now his son was spouting it, too

Are you starting with this supernatural stuff as well? If you’re bored at home, go on a holiday with your friends.” 

Chapter 141 

Hobson hadn’t expected his father to be the first to doubt him

Is Middleton to suggest he was the one refusing to go out? Hobson had already planned a trip abroad with friends, tickets booked, bags packed

But then Winnie was brought home, and Bacchus commanded everyone to stay and properly greet her

So his vacation was dead in the water, and even Springer and Amber’s summer camp was 

called off

If Louisa and that person weren’t Still at the wellness center, Bacchus probably would have summoned them back too

Hobson, feeling increasingly frustrated, began typing again

Dad! I really can’t talk!” 

Springer didn’t bother with words and just sent a mocking meme


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