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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 

When the showrunners first set their sights on Mae, she was their top pick and received the inaugural invitation. But for reasons unknown, whether she harbored reservations or looked down on the show’s concept, she flatly turned them down

So why did Mac agree to step in on the second episode? It was largely thanks to the massive viewership the premiere had garnered

The production team, somewhat resigned to their fate and hoping for a miracle, sent out a fresh batch of invitations

This time, Mae said yes without hesitation

Her one condition was that the show couldn’t do anything to tarnish her image. In fact, they had to reinforce her lucky charm persona on camera if needed

The online buzz was one thing, but those in the know understood the true weight behind this socalled lucky charm image

Especially when she made this request, the producers realized that this persona might not be as solid as it appeared. However, Bagot couldn’t bring himself to refuse her

After all the lucky charm image fit perfectly with the theme of their show. If handled well, it could propel them to new heights

Bagot discussed it with Baily. Without much ado, they agreed to bring Mae on as a guest replacement

While they were at it. Mae finally graced them with her presence, fashionably late

Unlike the petite and sweet Candace, Mae was a mix of sugar and spice. With a high figure, she was striking and elegant

Stepping out of the car, she effortlessly captured everyone’s attention, her impeccably timed smile perfectly captured by the camera

It was like the premiere all over again when Kane had made his entrance, with fans going wild in the live chat

Aware that filming would start as soon as she arrived, Mae waved at the cameras, then jogged over to the other guests, her demeanor humble as she apologized, Sorry, so sorry I’m late! Ran into a bit of a hiccup on the way here.” 

The hosts and other guests, of course, reassured her that it was fine

Although Candace wasn’t fond of Mae, she greeted her politely, even as she watched Mae take the center spot, feeling a twinge of disappointment. Before Mae’s arrival, Candace had been the show’s sole female star. Even with Winnie around, the spotlight had been more on her. Candace thought she’d only had one episode as the princess before Mae showed up. Pushing 


Chapter 143 

down her feelings, she tried to reassure herself that Mae’s presence didn’t matter

She had Winnie! Their bond from the last episode was unbreakable, Surely, that counted for more than this newcomer

With that in mind, Candace turned hopefully to Winnie, only to notice Winnie had a complicated look in her eyes as she watched Mae

That expression seemed oddly familiar to Candace

Before she could ask, Mae pulled out an embroidered bag and began to explain to the quests, You see, I found this lucky bag while taking a break on my way here. It had a ruby bracelet inside. I was going to wait to see if anyone would claim it, but I didn’t want to keep the show waiting, so I brought it with me.” 

As Mae explained, all eyes turned to the bag in her hand

It was one of those vintage bags that the older generation used for keeping precious jewelry. thick and ornately embroidered

And when Mae pulled out the bracelet for all to see, the live audience was captivated

My lucky day, I guess,Mae chuckled. Imagine finding a ruby bracelet just lying around!” 

The live chat exploded with admiration for Mae’s fortune

But amid the excitement, Mae preempted the audience’s thoughts, I was going to hand it to the police, but I thought why not bring it to the show first? If the owner’s watching, they can claim it right away.” 

As she spoke, she gestured to a crew member to give the bracelet a closeup

Mae had planned this, reveal to cement her lucky charm image, a perfect talking point for the gossip mills

Her agent had no objections, and so she flaunted the find to the guests and viewers

While Mae was basking in the anticipated praise, a pleasant voice came from across the room, Didn’t anyone tell you not to pick up these vintage things on the street? Especially not when it’s wrapped like that.” 

Winnie’s voice was calm, laced with genuine concern rather than provocation

Mae instinctively looked over at Winnie. Having done her homework before accepting the show. she was well aware of Winnie’s sudden rise to popularity after the last episode

Mae felt Winnie might outshine her even more than Candace

And here it was

You’re Winnie, right? What do you mean by that? Is there a superstition about picking up things like this?Mae asked, feigning innocence


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