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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 153

Chapter 153 

The moment the camera panned to the bed, a collective shiver ran down everyone’s spine. It felt like ice water had been dumped down their backs, starting from their heels and shooting straight up to their necks. The viewers in front of their screens felt their hair stand on end, a chill creeping over them

No way. Isn’t that the Ruby Bracelet from yesterday?someone blurted out, I thought Winnie took care of it.” 

I must not be fully awake yet,another viewer typed in the chat, because my eyes must be deceiving me. That smashed bracelet is back?” 

That can’t be the same one from yesterday,because that was wrecked.” 

Why is there another one? And on my girl’s bed?.” 

The fear was palpable, a sense of being haunted, Damn, this is too creepy. I’ve literally forgotten Mae’s bare face because of this.” 

Mae’s makeupfree visage had momentarily recaptured the audience’s attention. It wasn’t that she looked bad without makeup. It was just that her skin looked sallow but had turned a ghostly pale from fright. Without a touch of makeup, everyone could see her faint eyebrows. her enlarged pores, laugh lines, and even crow’s feet

Who would believe Mae was only 25

Some of the more devoted fans were shattered, their admiration for Mae cooling significantly

Finally coming to her senses, Mae realized she was still on air without a stitch of makeup. She instinctively covered her face, wanting to hide from everyone. Yet, the thought of being alone was more terrifying

In her panic, she turned to Winnie for help. After all, it was Winnie who had identified the problem with the bracelet the day before. Mae was convinced Winnie had the expertise

Winnie, help me, please. Why has this thing come back?.She was frantic, scrambling to stand before dashing to Winnie’s side amidst the crowd, seeking some semblance of safety

Before Winnie could respond, Candace also skittered behind her, gripping the hem of Winnie’s shirt

Winnie, what’s going on? Wasn’t that bracelet destroyed yesterday? How did it come back?Gentry was equally startled and blurted out, Did we not deal with it properly?” 

All eyes, including Winnie’s, turned to Gentry, who suddenly realized how inappropriate his comment was. It was as if he was implying that Winnie hadn’t done a thorough job

Gentry’s face betrayed a flash of embarrassment as he explained. That’s not what I meant.” 

Despite his vanity and fear of being upstaged by Winnie and Mervin on the show, Gentry didn’t 

want to truly offend anyone after witnessing their capabilities yesterday. But his attempt to backpedal was weak, and the viewers were quick to question whether Winnie’s actions the previous day were just a farce, accusing her of not only falling to help Mae but also causing her further trouble

Mae herself began to wonder, Why had I assumed it was another bracelet I dealt with? Could it be that Winnie hadn’t dealt with it properly and now she was haunted again?” 

Reluctant to admit to the live camera that she’d kept another bracelet, Mae decided to shift the blame to Winnie. It seemed the best strategy, as it would make Winnie responsible for fixing the situation

Thinking this, Mae quietly contested Gentry, Don’t say that, Gentry. I trust Winnie’s abilities. Perhaps it was just a slip yesterday.” 

Her words were a veiled acknowledgment that Winnie had failed to deal with the bracelet properly, prompting Mae’s fans to launch an attack on Winnie in the live chat

Winnie’s ignorance has screwed over our Mae.” 

What if something terrible happens?” 

It’s already a disaster. That damn thing mysteriously reappeared on Mae’s bed.” 

But some righteous bystandersbegan to speak up, their comments quickly overwhelming those of Mae’s fans

Weren’t you all praising Winnie for pointing out the bracelet’s issue yesterday? If she hadn’t spoken up, Mae might be cuddling with that cursed Ruby Bracelet tonight.” 

To get blamed for being helpful one day and then slandered the next when trouble arises? Do Mae’s fans have no shame?” 

I feel that Winnie is really wronged, yesterday she was scolded for her good intention to mention something, and today she was scolded again for her problem, and does Winnie Mae?” 


The comments from Mae’s fans were quickly overwhelmed by the comments from others. because some netizens spoke up

In the room, Winnie’s brows arched coldly as Mae placed the blame on her

She took a halfstep forward, spinning around to face Mae directly. Then she asked, Are you sure you want to pin this on me?” 

Winnie’s tone was too nonchalant, almost as if she was asking what was for lunch, but her piercing gaze sent a wave of panic through Mae

Mae realized that she seemed to have just made a bad move. She stuttered, I didn’t mean… 

She looked at Winnie, then past her to the camera. After a moment, she bit her lip and pleaded, I spoke out of turn, Winnie. I apologize.” 


Chapter 153 

Turning to Bagot, who had also rushed over, she begged, Director, can we pause the live stream for a moment?” 

If they stopped the live stream, she could reveal the truth, as the show’s staff were bound by confidentiality agreements. But live on air, she couldn’t let it slip that she had hidden another Ruby Bracelet


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