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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158 

Winnie gave Newman a nod in greeting before turning to the officer holding the evidence bag. and asking. Mind if I take a look at that bag for a second?” 

The officer was about to object on procedural grounds, but Newman snatched the evidence bag from his grip and passed it to Winnie, clearly trusting her with it

Winnie took the bag, wet her finger with a quick lick, and deftly traced a cryptic symbol on the surface. Newman raised an eyebrow as she handed it back, the wet mark already drying. without a trace. He couldn’t help but sense that she’d performed some kind of ritual on it

Was she worried about the evidencevanishing into thin air

Knowing they were still recording the show, he didn’t press her for answers. Instead, he simply said. Thanks for last time.” 

If it hadn’t been for her warning, his team might have gotten hurt

Winnie caught on instantly to what he meant, her lips curling into a slight smile before adding. I’ve called the authorities. Once the police here pin down the mastermind behind this, someone from the other side will come to take over.” 

When Newman heard this, he was reminded of the Paranormal Surveillance Department agents who had come to collect the remains last time, those who dealt with occultrelated crimes

As a seasoned cop, Newman knew better than to ask too many questions. He just nodded

But just before leaving, he asked Winnie for her contact information. Somehow, he had a hunch that if this show kept airing, their paths would cross again

Winnie, whose phone had been taken by the production crew and who couldn’t be bothered to get it back, hastily jotted down a number for him

True to Winnie’s word, by the time Newman returned to the station with the evidence in hand and a list of suspects, the department’s agents were already there, the same two as before

They took the Ruby Bracelet and murmured in surprise, More psychic residue.” 

Whoever was preempting their work certainly knew their stuff

One of the agents couldn’t contain his curiosity. Has anyone else touched this bag? Did you guys consult with any spiritual advisor?” 

Newman knew exactly whom they were inquiring about. If the ashes last time were a fluke, this time he was pretty sure it was Winnie’s handiwork

Shaking his head, he was about to explain when the agent pressed on, Our department is hiring. Why don’t you recommend that person to us? Or if you have their contact, I could reach. out myself.” 

Newman was speechless. He pocketed the slip of paper with Winnie’s number, keeping his face 


Chapter 158 

neutral and saying. Nope, both incidents involved the show’s crew. Lots of people around, so it’s unlikely anyone else touched it.” 

The agent seemed disappointed but decided to check out the variety show later.. 

The police quickly matched the ashes to a missing person’s report and zeroed in on the suspect, a man who turned out to be the deceased’s husband. They had both come from the same orphanage, supported each other through thick and thin, and even started a business together at a young age. His wife had died of cancer just a week earlier

Based on the couple’s relationship, the man fitted the profile of someone who might resort to dark magic for revenge

But when the police arrived at the suspect’s upscale apartment, he denied everything

Newman looked at the man, who appeared to have aged a decade in just a week, his entire demeanor one of exhaustion

He couldn’t shake the thought of backlash,something Winnie had mentioned on the livestream

Further investigation revealed that after his wife’s death, the man had swiftly severed any potential magical links and destroyed all evidence. With no casualties and no evidence. Newman couldn’t pin anything on him

Just when he thought they’d have to let the man go, the department’s agents returned

We’ll take it from here,they said simply

One of them added with a smirk, A person’s body doesn’t lie about magical backlash, even if the evidence is gone.” 

It was then Newman understood why Winnie had alerted the authorities right from the start

The police were skilled at investigations, but out of their depth with the occult. It was beyond the reach of the law

Later on, it was discovered that the man had been desperately seeking ways to prolong his wife’s life, eventually turning to a ritual to transfer her spirit into another body

But doing it twice did not increase his wife’s longevity, but rather aggravated her pain. Even if his wife’s life expectancy increased, it could not offset the pain of her body being tortured by 


In the end, he chose the method of spiritual possession that the master said


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