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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 

Drake watched Winnie’s astonished expression without a flicker of emotion and said, I spilled the beans to the Sanchez family about your true identity, leading them to confront the Bryant family and indirectly causing you to run away from home.” 

He felt it was his responsibility to make amends

Winnie was speechless. Just moments before, she had been worried he’d found out about the little stunt she pulled, pocketing his lucky gold aura

So this was all it was about

Was Boss Drake really so gullible? Could he be taken in by such an obvious ploy

Of course. Drake knew this was just a ruse cooked up by Horace to get him to back her up. But even if it was a ruse, as long as it could convince him, it wasn’t considered being hoodwinked

Yesterday, although she hadn’t explicitly asked him to keep her identity a secret, he had indeed revealed her connection to the Bryant family without her consent. Just for that. Drake would not shirk his responsibility

Drake’s compulsion for order included a need to be thorough and exact in his dealings

Winnie was about to tell him he didn’t need to take responsibility, but her gaze inadvertently fell 

on his left arm

She had seen it clear as day, the moment Kathryn had accidentally bumped into this big boss. the dark aura that had been clinging to her seemed to be diminished by Drake’s gold aura

That gold aura was like a fire that could disperse any malign presence that came too close to 


Winnie found herself wanting a piece of that gold aura

Thinking this, she dropped the pleasantries, So, can I come to you if I run into trouble in the future?” 

No.replied Drake

Winnie fell into silent again. Wasn’t he about to take responsibility

Reading the confusion in her eyes, Drake rarely offered an explanation, You’ve moved back to the Bryant family. My responsibility ended the moment that happened.” 

So Boss Drake’s responsibility was a onetime deal. Miscalculation

True to his reputation, Drake, like most loners, disliked such social gatherings and quickly made his exit after speaking with Winnie

Winnie realized that if she wanted to climb the social ladder with this influential man, she’d have to be a bit more cunning

Luckily for her, she wasn’t in a hurry

As she turned to leave, a playful female voice caught her attention, Mr. Patterson is notoriously elusive. You’ll regret it if you set your sights on him.” 

Winnie turned to see the girl who had earlier mocked Kathryn. The girl, roughly her age, had striking features, her hair elegantly pinned to show off her graceful neck

She looked at Winnie with a halfsmile, her voice free of malice

Do you like Drake?Winnie asked, knowing that those who warn other women off are usually smitten themselves

To her surprise, the girl looked as if she’d heard a terrifying tale, her expression filled with horror. I’d have to be tired of living to fall for that devil.” 

Winnie raised an eyebrow. This was the second time she’d heard him referred to in this way

Thanks for the tip, but I’ll decide how close I get.replied Winnie. Her meaning was clear- thanks, but I’ll pass on the advice

The girl Delia Lopez gave Winnie an odd look before shrugging off her concern, Suit yourself. I just thought you were clearheaded when you cut ties with your foster parents so neatly, so I felt like giving you a heads up.” 

She then extended her hand with a smile, Delia Lopez, by the way. Lopez Property Ventures is my family’s business.” 

Winnie, never one to be standoffish with wellintentioned folks and appreciating Delia’s candidness, shook her hand warmly, You’ve got some bad romance coming your way, watch out for those who make you feel indebted to them.” 

Delia was surprised. She hadn’t expected Winnie to change the subject so abruptly. Youreally believe in this stuff?” 

She thought Winnie had just been calling out the Henderson family’s schemes

I don’t just believe it, I study it. If you need to ward off any shady characters, you can come to me.Winnie offered

Delia was stunned. Ms. Bryant sure seemed a tad eccentric

Meanwhile, at the Henderson household, the family returned home in near silence

Throughout the ride, even with no one else around, Suzan kept her mouth tightly shut, as if fearing she might spill more secrets

Quincy had been out for a dinner meeting and hadn’t expected his family to return so soon. As he stepped through the door, he was met by the sight of an irate Barton, a tearful sister, and his mother, inexplicably covering her mouth as she entered

What happened here?he began, but before he could finish, Barton, who had just come in, swung around and landed a harsh slap across Suzan’s face


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