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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

Winnie had been liaising with Horace to arrange a ride, so when he showed up, it was no surprise to her

Springer, on the other hand, was completely out of the loop. At the sight of Horace, he reacted. like a mouse that had just spotted a cat, instinctively ducking behind Winnie for cover

It wasn’t my fault this time, I swear!As Springer pleaded, he tugged anxiously at Winnie’s sleeve. Winnie! Could you please explain it to Horace for me?” 

Horace, observing Springer’s antics, arched an eyebrow but said nothing. Winnie indeed vouched for him, Yeah, it’s not on him.” 

Horace thought to himself. If it’s not Springer’s mess, then whose was it? His gaze then fell on Amber lying on the ground nearby

So was Amber the real troublemaker

But with seven people down and out before him, Horace didn’t feel inclined to press the matter further as long as everyone was okay

Soon the ambulance arrived and whisked away the seven rooftop victims, along with Nina from downstairs, to the hospital

Upon hearing about Amber’s misfortune, Hobson and Cutler hurriedly made their way to the hospital. After learning the details of the incident and seeing Amber unconscious while Springer was unharmed, they couldn’t help but unleash a barrage of questions on Springer

What the hell happened? Why didn’t you take better care of Amber?” 

Amber always looked out for you. If you had any conscience at all, you wouldn’t have let anything happen to her. How are you going to explain this to grandma when she gets back?” 

Springer, who had been through a harrowing experience, turned red with frustration under their unexpected interrogation

What do you guys know?He retorted. How do you know I didn’t protect her? Why don’t you ask her what was going on at the time” 

Springer was just a kid, and the barrage of accusations left him feeling both angry and wronged. He didn’t say anything more and just turned on his heel and stormed off, his pride wounded

Hobson and Cutler figured Springer was just avoiding responsibility for his actions and decided to leave him be

Meanwhile, Winnie was unaware of the drama unfolding in the hospital room. She had been visiting the other patients, clearing away the lingering bad vibes from them. As she returned, she saw Springer storming out of the room, his face puffed up with anger, disappearing into the stairwell

Inside the stairwell, Springer cleaned his tears with his hand. He wasn’t the type to cry over a tew harsh words. It was the unfairness of it all that got to him

He had been cautious even when he agreed to the foolish challenge in the building. When those strange threads appeared out of nowhere, ensnaring people before they could react, his first instinct was to grab Amber and run. He had even thrown himself in front of her to block the threads from reaching her

But in the endthe moment he felt the threads wrap around his legs, Amber had wriggled free from his grasp and fled

Instead, it was Nina who had tried to help Springer and both had become entangled

How had he managed to escape those threads

Springer remembered the sensation of a sudden heat under his feet, followed by the snapping of the threads that bound him, allowing him to carry Nina, wrapped like a cocoon, to safety… 

With no time to think in the heat of the moment, now that he had a moment to reflect, Springer swiftly removed his shoes to check. He found a layer of black ash on the insole, clearly a sign of something that had been burned. In the corner, there was a small piece of Charm

At the sight of the Charm, Springer immediately thought of Winnie and seemed to understand

His eyes reddened once again. He had been saved by Winnie from the very start

She had warned him, but he didn’t listen, insisting on going out with Amber. And yet, she wasn’t angry. Instead, she had secretly slipped a Charm into his shoe to protect him

With that realization, Springer’s tears flowed more freely, but now they were tears of gratitude and regret

He had been so hostile towards Winnie before and had even conspired with Hobson to drive her away from home, and yet she still cared enough to help him… 

As he sobbed, the sound of a door opening startled him, and he quickly wiped away his tears. Turning around, he saw Winnie

She caught him off guard, his eyes wide and still wet with tears. The Bryant family was known for their good looks. Springer, a handsome young lad, now had tears glistening on his lashes. adding a vulnerable charm to his appearance

Winnie raised an eyebrow at the sight

Springer flushed with a mix of embarrassment and shame. What are you doing here?The question came out more sharply than he intended, and he quickly softened his tone, I don’t mean you shouldn’t be hereIf you need some space, I’ll get out of your way.” 

Having witnessed Winnie’s capabilities, Springer had nothing but respect for her. But considering his past behavior, he figured she wouldn’t want anything to do with him, and his pleading tongue before now seemed stuck in his throat

Chapter 49 

I’m here for you,Winnie sald, extending her hand. You need to give back the Amulet I lent you. for protection.” 

Her demeanor was cool as if they hadn’t faced adversity together

Tears threatened to surface in Springer’s eyes again, but he Instinctively clutched the Amulet around his neck, forgetting his earlier feelings of injustice and regret, looking at her pleadingly

Can’t you let me keep this Amulet?” 


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