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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 

In the sterile ward of the hospital room, Kathryn widened her eyes with a mix of shock and elation upon seeing Winnie

For the first time ever, Kathryn was genuinely thrilled to have Winnie walk through those doors

“Winnie!Kathryn quivered with excitement as she attempted to sit up, forgetting for a moment about her broken leg and twisted back. Pain distorted her face as reality rushed back

Suzan eyed Winnie warily, her expression tinged with suspicion. They had tried so hard to get Winnie to come before, to no avail. What had changed now that brought Winnie to them out of the blue

What are you doing here?Suzan’s voice was sharp

Winnie barely glanced at her. Didn’t you invite me?” 

As they spoke, Barton and Quincy shuffled in from outside, both sporting fresh bruises that weren’t there the last time Winnie had laid eyes on them

Misfortune seemed to be their faithful companion

Winnie flickered her gaze over the dark aura that clung to them. She sensed something amiss but kept her thoughts to herself

Without further ado, Winnie got straight to the point. I’m here for two reasons. First, I can cleanse Kathryn of the dark aura that’s latched onto her, but this is a onetime deal. Whatever mess she gets into after this, it’s no business of mine.” 

Kathryn didn’t let Winnie finish before she interjected desperately. Just save me this once, and I’llI’ll treat you like my sister from now on!” 

At that, Winnie darkened her face and almost stormed out

Who the hell wants to be your sister! If you want my help, stop using that disgusting term. I’m done with the Henderson family.” 

Her tone was as unforgiving as it had been at the dinner party months ago

Barton flashed his eyes coldly but he quickly regained composure. We agree. Just help Kathryn this one time.he said

Winnie didn’t start right away

Second, I want a written and notarized transfer of the bracelet’s ownership.” 

Quincy furrowed his brow. Winnie, we’ve already given you the bracelet. Why bring this up now?” 

She shot him a cool look. I don’t trust you.” 

Barton deepened his glower, but he agreed, It’s done.” 



Chapter 54 

Winnie then demanded the transfer document to be written, signed, and notarized on the spot. For Kathryn’s sake, Barton had no choice but to comply

Once the document was secured, Winnle stated her terms. My fee is five million, upfront. And Kathryn follows my instructions to the letter.” 

Suzan, who had been holding her tongue, exploded at this, Five million?! Are you robbing us blind? You bitch, I bet you’re trying to weasel back the five million you gave us! It’s all just a scam to extort money, isn’t it?! No way!” 

Suzan then turned to Barton, urging him to throw Winnie out

Barton was a mask of restraint, yet he held back from reacting

Winnie, unfazed, pulled a Charm from her bag and sent it floating towards Kathryn

The Charm circled Kathryn, stirring no breeze, and then hovered directly above her head. The display silenced the doubts of the Henderson family

Kathryn felt the icy presence within her wane, replaced by a gentle warmth. Her pallor brightened with hope, and she replied without hesitation. Transfer the five million. Just destroy that ghoul Catherine!” 

Kathryn clenched her jaw at the mention of Catherine, thinking the ghost haunting her was Catherine

Winnie’s eyes iced over, but her voice remained steady. I can’t destroy her spirit, but I can dissipate her malice so she’ll never bother you again.” 

Kathryn, initially wanting nothing less than Catherine’s utter annihilation, hesitated. But Winnie’s gesture to leave spurred her into action

Just make sure she hever comes back!” 

Winnie, knowing the Ghost Baby had been dealt with and couldn’t affect Kathryn anymore, nodded

Then you’ll do as I say.she said

Fifteen minutes later, Kathryn stared at the Charmcrafted candle floating before her, skepticism and uncertainty flickering across her features as she turned to Winnie

Am I really supposed to do this?” 

Confess and repent to the candle for the wrongs you’ve committed against her. Only if she senses your remorse will she leave you alone.” 

Kathryn twisted with reluctance. You’re not going to record me, are you?” 

Winnie just gave her a look and tossed her phone onto the nearby couch

At the sight of the locked screen, Kathryn felt a rush of relief and glanced at her family, her parents and brother standing nearby

Chapter 54 

Could youwould you mind giving me a moment alone?Her voice was pleading, seeking privacy for her penance

Suzan, upon hearing the words, showed a look of bewilderment. Kathryn, how could we leave you alone with this bitch in a room? Don’t worry, sweetheart, I will stay right here with you.” 


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