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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 

After returning home, she promptly had someone check out the schedule and themes of the local art competitions. Emerald University had a thriving arts department, and such contests were plentiful, each with its unique prompt

Once she had the details, it didn’t take long for her to conclude that the guy had intentionally tried to con her

The theme of the competition had nothing to do with his request for hand modelling

And agreeing to be the model would involve some physical contact, like sitting facetoface while he applied plaster to her hands. For a naive young girl like Delia, such intimate situations could easily lead to infatuation

Delia scoffed at the thought, remembering Winnie’s warning to beware of tricksters, and had someone dig up information on the man’s identity and recent associations

Her suspicions were confirmed.” 

It was a trap, set by none other than her duplicitous stepsister

After Leonie left, Delia faced Winnie without a hint of anxiety on her face. She succinctly recounted the morning’s events, then fixed Winnie with a piercing gaze

You said I could come to you for help.” 

illed out

Winnie didn’t respond right away. Instead, she reached into her backpack and pulled out a charm

This is a Guard Charm. If someone tries to mess with you again, it will backfire on them.” 

Delia hesitated before taking it, What about this time?she asked

You weren’t affected, were you?replied Winnie

Delia narrowed her eyes. I may not have been affected, but I don’t appreciate being played.” 

Scooting close to Winnie, Delia cozied up with a familiarity that belied the short time they had known each other

Besides the Guard Charm, do you have something that attracts bad romances?” 

Winnie got the hint immediately

An eye for an eye, huh? She liked Delia’s spirit

Thinking it over, Winnie pulled out a clean sheet of parchment and a cinnabar pen, dipping it lightly in the ink

She knelt on the carpet, her posture straight as a rod


Chapter 57 

Then, with a flourish, Winnie drew a Charm in swift, graceful strokes

Delia was witnessing the creation of a Charm for the first time, and she couldn’t help but feet that Winnie’s aura changed as she drew, giving her an ethereal quality

If Delia had harbored any doubts when she first arrived, they were dispelled at that moment. She was convinced that Ms. Bryant had a gift

Taking the finished Charm, Delia was somewhat moved. I just thought I’d ask, not expecting you to have such a thing.” 

There isn’t one, actually.Winnie confessed, at the sight of surprised Delia, and explained with a smile. We don’t have a charm specifically for attracting bad romances, but they do have Charms for romance.” 

She pointed to the last stroke on the Charm in Delia’s hand. That extra stroke makes it a bad romance charm.” 

It wasn’t incorrect to call it that

Charmmaking was an art, with many designs derived from ancient traditions that often led to the same result through different paths

These days, people online sought Diet Charm, Luck Charm and Study Charm, all of which she could create. A Diet Charm, for instance, was a Calm Charm, which diminished worldly desires. including appetite

A Luck Charm was for good luck, boosting one’s fortune rather than creating it from nothing. Winnie rarely made these for others

And a Study Charm combined a Calm Charm with a Focus Charm to ensure a clear and concentrated mind, making study more effective

Delia nodded in understanding, delighted with her new acquisitions

As she prepared to thank Winnie and leave, a payment code was thrust before her

Winnie was all business. Guard Charm costs three grand. Love Charm costs five grand. That’ll be eight grand total” 

Delia didn’t find it pricey and promptly transferred the cash on her phone

After Winnie confirmed the payment, she didn’t even let Delia put away her phone before rapidly tapping on the screen, opening Delia’s WhatsApp to add her contact in one smooth motion

We’re friends now. Let’s add each other as friends for easy contact.” 

Before Winnie could say anything else, Delia quickly added. And for distant transactions.” 

Winnie smiled and accepted

Then, a new notification for a money transfer popped up. It was from Springer

Springer had sent Winnie a transfer of three grand


Before Winnie could react, a voice called from the top of the stairs. A young man, evidently Springer, was waving his phone excitedly

Winnie! I want one of those Guard Charms tool Save one for me!” 

Winnie and Delia exchanged a look

Springer, who said you could eavesdrop? Get down here this instant!Delia was familiar with Springer as she scolded him upstairs

True to form, Springer retorted, Why should I listen to you?” 

Winnie looked up. Come down. Get your Charm.” 

Springer flipped his demeanor instantaneously. On my way!” 

Delia couldn’t help but marvel at the quick change in attitude

She turned to Winnie, clearly curious how she had managed to tame the notoriously brash Springer in such a short time, especially considering his lessthanwarm behavior towards Winnie at the recent family dinner

How did you do it?” 

Winnie knew she was asking about Springer and was forthright. He had a row with Amber.” 

In the world of the Bryant family, even the most headstrong could find themselves seeking refuge in charms and the mystical arts

Although Springer acted like he wanted to cut ties with Amber, Winnie doubted he could easily escape the grasp of Amber

At the mention of Amber, Delia subtly shifted her expression

You know, speaking of Amber, there’s something amusing you might not know about her.” 


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