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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 

Quincy was freaking out

It was one thing to be tormented in his dreams, but this time, he had actual physical contact. with the ghost that haunted him. Whenever he remembered the icy, rigid touch that had- covered his mouth, chills would run down his spine, and the sensation seemed to linger endlessly

With that thought, Quincy finally made up his mind

In the hospital room, Kathryn stared at Quincy in disbelief

Quincy, you want to take the Amulet?she asked

Quincy’s usually handsome face bore signs of exhaustion. Meeting Kathryn’s wounded gaze, he tried to soften his tone. Kathryn, something’s come up at home. I need to borrow the Amulet for a little while. Once things settle down, I’ll bring it back to you.” 

Kathryn frowned, about to protest, when Suzan interjected, Quincy, you know how unlucky Kathryn’s been lately. She’s been depending on that Amulet for protection. If you take it away now, aren’t you just putting her life at risk?” 

Quincy replied, exasperated, Mom, how could I not care for Kathryn? But I’m really in trouble right now. You know that!” 

But Suzan was not sympathetic. Didn’t you hire a spiritualist to clear the house of spirits? Get another if one doesn’t work. You’ll find someone who can handle it eventually. But Kathryn is in no state to face any more setbacks. Quincy, please, Quincy, please, show more care for your 


Hearing Suzan’s words, Kathryn gave Quincy a pitiful look. Don’t you care about me anymore. Quincy?” 

Quincy grew agitated. Under normal circumstances, he would have relented to make his sister happy. After all, he had always doted on her. But at the time, his very life was at stake

I’m not just taking it and never giving it back. I only need it for a few days. I’ll return it once we get a competent spiritualist,Quincy said, his patience wearing thin

Kathryn’s head drooped, the picture of sadness, and Suzan’s heart ached for her

As the head of the family and the cornerstone of their business, Barton couldn’t afford any mishaps. His Amulet was offlimits. But as a mother, Suzan was torn. Both her son and daughter were dear to her. Her wellbeing was also on the line these past few days

Quincy, can’t you think of another solution? Maybe stay at the church for a few nights and get a blessed talisman? Perhaps you can ask Winnie for another Amulet or two if all else fails?” 

Suzan suggested, thinking she might ask for one herself, forgetting her promise to help 



Chapter 72 

Kathryn sue Winnie for fraud

Overhearing that, Kathryn Immediately objected, Mom! After all the harm Winnie has caused me and with the Internet backlash I’m facing, how can you even consider asking her for help? Did you forget your promise to help me take her to court?” 

Quincy, considering asking Winnie for help if needed, frowned at Kathryn’s words. You’re still thinking of suing her? Kathryn, do you not realize what’s happening at home? We might still need Winnie’s help to resolve our issues. If you charge her now, you’re just forcing her to become our enemy.” 

His tone was sharp, and Suzan immediately took offense. There’s no need to snap at your sister. It’s not like she wanted any of this. It’s all because of that heartless Winnie. She knew what we were planning with the Amulet and waited until now to retaliate. She’s cunning. She probably learned all that mystic stuff to get back at us. And you still think she’ll help us willingly?” 

As the conversation spiraled, Kathryn began to sob, blaming herself for the family’s misfortune. Suzan turned to console her daughter, leaving Quincy, already at his limit and burdened by the ghostly attachment, to storm out in a huff. Kathryn’s crying intensified at his departure

Winnie had finished rearranging her room while the Henderson family fell apart over the Amulet. She would take the Ghost Baby to see Catherine one last time

However, as her car was out of Silver Lake Manor, it was suddenly stopped by Parker, who had been in an accident after his breakup with Kathryn and was still sporting an arm sling

Standing before her car, the sight of his injury lent him a somewhat pitiful air

Winnie! I need to talk to you!Parker called out, prompting the driver to glance back at Winnie questioningly

Ignore him. Just drive.Winnie commanded briskly. She had no intention of wasting time on Parker, nor was she inclined to hear him out

Understanding his employer’s wishes, the driver nodded to the security personnel to remove the obstruction and prepared to restart the engine

Parker tried to break free from the security guard’s grip, but the guards at Silver Lake Manor were not the kind a skinny guy like him could shake off. As he saw the car about to leave, he threw caution and his dignity as a scion of the Robinson family to the wind and started yelling, Winnie! I broke up with Kathryn. What more do you want from me? Winnie! I believe you have some feelings for me! Why were you chasing after me every day if you didn’t like me

Winnie, you started this! And now you want to dump me without a word? Or, is it that now you’re Ms. Bryant, and you think you’re too good for everyone?” 

His voice was loud enough to turn heads, and as a discreet Maybach preparing to exit the gated community paused slightly, the driver leaned in and whispered


Chapter 72 


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