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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 

Barton’s face soured in an instant

Suzan looked utterly disbelieving, while Kathryn, at the center, wore a dazed expression that quickly turned into insistent questioning

Her voice quivering, she bit her lip and asked, Excuse me, who did you just say?” 

The admissions officer from Emerald University, a bit perplexed by the family’s expressions, repeated politely. Winnie Henderson. Aren’t you Ms. Henderson?” 

Hearing the name again, Kathryn’s cheeks twitched slightly, and the once gentle demeanor took on a hint of ferocity

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing and, with clenched teeth, snatched the acceptance letter from the Capital University representative holding it

Upon unfolding it, there it was, the name Winnie Hendersonpenned in ink

Suzan, on the sidelines, couldn’t hold back a scream, How can it be Winnie? Is there some mistake?!” 

Kathryn stared at the name on the acceptance letter until her eyes reddened, her grip tightening to the point of nearly tearing the document

The admissions officer started to piece together the situation. Had they mistaken the person

The Capital University representative quickly stepped forward, rescuing the acceptance letter from Kathryn’s grasp, anxious that this student might ruin the carefully crafted document intended for the top exam scorer

Indeed, the top examinee this year is Ms. Henderson, and her score was just one point shy of the national top scorer. We specifically came here to find Ms. Henderson,explained the representative from Emerald University, then added, This is Ms. Henderson’s residence, correct?” 

They had followed the address provided by the school, and since they had run into the Capital University admissions team, the address seemed correct. Yet, the family’s’reaction was decidedly off

Just then, the housekeeper received another call from the gatekeeper, approaching cautiously and saying, Mr. Henderson, there’s someone from Silverpine University at the gate, looking for Ms. Henderson.” 

This time, the housekeeper made sure to use her name, remembering how she had reflexively referred to her as the young ladyon the phone earlier

But that young ladyhad already been sent packing

The admissions officers from Capital University and Emerald University exchanged bewildered 


Chapter 83 


Yet another one? But the Hendersons were far from pleased, even verging on hysteria

Another one? And also looking for Winnie

Hadn’t their daughter Kathryn been promised the title of top examinee

At that moment, Kathryn felt a surge of humiliation and rage. All the shame was brought on by Winnie

Why? Why wouldn’t Winnie leave her be when she was already so pitiful?! 

Barton, still clinging to a shred of sanity despite wanting to explode, managed to answer with a grimace, She has moved out.” 

Both sets of admissions officers exchanged glances once more before asking. Could your inform us where Ms. Henderson has moved to?” 

How should we know?! That girl has nothing to do with us anymore! Can’t you people find out on your own?!Suzan’s voice was shrill, causing the admissions officers to bristle

They had been recruiting for years, and never had a family received them with anything but joy

This was a first

Realizing they wouldn’t get any information here, they promptly made their exit

With the exam results not yet officially released, they needed to find Winnie herselfand fast

As the admissions officers hurried away with their materials, they left the Hendersons standing there, faces clouded with dark expressions

Outside the Hendersonsmansion, both Capital University and Emerald University 

representatives were still uneasy, but now there was a bigger problem at hand. It was the first time in their careers they’d encountered such a predicament

Winnie’s home address led nowhere, and her cell phone was unreachable. What in the world could they do

As they mulled over their options, they noticed two admissions officers from Silverpine University rushing toward thema familiar sight

The Silverpine University reps, seeing their counterparts from Capital and Emerald emerging from the Hendersons, looked alarmed

They had been delayed by two unforeseen traffic accidents on the way and were late

The Capital University representative had not even had the courtesy to inform them, despite all of them being from the same city

The Silverpine University officers hastened their pace, beads of sweat on their foreheads, and one of them, looking desperate and anxious, confronted the Capital University rep, Have your already finished negotiating? Which of you did Winnie agree to?” 


Chapter 83 

Without waiting for an answer, he stomped his foot in frustration, I mean, really, that’s not. sportsmanlike! Ever heard of fair competition?!” 

Their headmaster had specifically asked them to woo Ms. Henderson to Silverpine University

And now, it seemed they were too late

The Silverpine representative looked utterly crestfallen, while the Capital University officer rolled his eyes

Relax, we didn’t even meet her. We’re about to head back ourselves.” 


The admissions officer from Silverpine University was on the verge of throwing another fit when the perplexing news reached his ears


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