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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91 

Amber listened to Hobson with a wave of relief washing over her, but she defended Winnie

Look, if she’s been picked by the Supernatural Department, she’s got to be special. It’s not just any religious school that gets accredited, and besides, Winnie’s got some real chops. Remember that time at the Sanchez place” 

Amber trailed off midsentence, leaving the others hanging on her every word, their curiosity piqued

What happened at the Sanchez’s? Do tell!they insisted, eager for the scoop

So Amber just went ahead and laid it out, keeping it brief: how Winnie had supposedly cured Mrs. Sanchez of her ailment

Their faces were a picture of shock. So she’s the real deal, huh? No wonder she was scouted. by the Supernatural Department.” 

Before Amber could respond, Hobson scoffed, Cured? That’s debatable.” 

Someone who was in the know leaned in closer, My mom visited the Sanchez family not long, ago, and Lucy.was just the same. So much for being cured.” 

Oh, come on! They said she’s better. You gonna argue with them?” 

Thembeing none other than Winnie

Winnie, who wasn’t far from this exchange and had ears like a hawk, caught every sarcastic remark. But she couldn’t care less. Whether or not Mrs. Sanchez was cured wasn’t up to them. It was for the Sanchez family to declare

Speak of the devil, and they shall appear. Malcolm and Carola soon approached Winnie, gifts in hand, and this time, Lucy was with them. Since her tragic horseriding accident which had left. her a little touched, the Sanchez couple seldom brought her to social events. Her presence today was a first in a long while

Everyone’s minds raced back to the rumor that Winnie had healed Lucy’s foolishness. They couldn’t help but cast their gaze her way

Lucy was dressed in her favorite frothy princess dress, the sixteenyearold still playing the part of a little princess, her eyes alight with innocence and wonder. But it was a child’s. clueless innocence, not the romantic naiveté of a teen

Nothing seemed to have changed. She was still simpleminded

Some guests, who had been convinced of Winnie’s abilities after Ramona’s story, now felt a twinge of disappointment. It seemed the stories had been embellished after all

As these thoughts bubbled in their minds, the Sanchez couple reached Winnie, their enthusiasm unchanged, Winnie, congratulations on topping the citywide exams. We have 


boude you a special gift to celebrate your achievements

Trex unveiled a silver and diamondstudded ladies watch

These in the know could tell at a glance that it was the latest model from a luxury brand, valued 

; a cool, eight nsition, avaliable only to elite members

The generosity of the Sanchez family was unmistakable

Besides, Winnie’s gift. Malcolm had also prepared presents for the other three

They were watches too also from the same luxury brand, but in terms of value and series, they couldn’t hold a candle to Winnie’s 

But from an elder, such a gift was still respectable. Well if one didn’t compare it to Winnie’s

Amber and Yates expressed their thanks with smiles, and while Hobson didn’t show it. I his displeasure was obvious

Ater all being treated differently like this, who wouldn’t be miffed

Normally, such favoritism would be quite rude

After all, even though Winne was the top scholar, today’s event was about celebrating all four 

Carola was forthright, explaining warmly. Please don’t mind the difference in gifts. We wanted to thank Winnie especially for what she did for our daughter.” 

front of all the guests, Carola could hardly admit her daughter had been bewitched; instead, She framed it as curing an illness

Winnie put in a lot of effort for our Lucy and refused any payment. So we thought we’d honor her with a special giff today.” 

Her words justified the extravagant watch for Winnie and left no room for criticism

Even the Bryant family couldn’t feel slighted about the kids being treated differently

Thanks to Winnie, the Bryants and the Sanchezes were on good terms again

Winnie had waived her fee on behalf of the Bryants, preventing any ill will from the Sanchezes

Clifford and the Bryants hadn’t known about this beforehand

It was only after Malcolm called Clifford that they learned Winnie had forsaken the one million Cifford had given her, claiming it was her payment, thus preserving the familiesrapport

To make it up to her. Clifford had transferred another million to Winnie and made a point of acknowledging her actions within the family

Everyone finally understood that the Sanchez family’s continued association with the Bryants. even after the revelation that a maid from the Bryant family had caused their daughter’s eightyear bout of foolishness, was all thanks to Winnie’s good graces

Chapter 91 

Even those who had been critical of Winnie, like Hobson and Cutler, couldn’t muster a word against her

The Bryants, it was clear, had a sharp sense of right and wrong

Carola, speaking frankly in front of everyone, managed to dissipate any lingering discomfort in Hobson’s heart


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