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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 

Despite having encountered a ghost once before, Parker’s blood still ran cold when he unexpectedly came face to face with a man who was supposed to be six feet under

The old man, dressed in a traditional robe, seemed blissfully unaware of Parker’s shock as he floated over to his grandson, bobbing along merrily

I heard your mom bragging to her book club today, and rightly so! My dear grandson, you earn your place at Capital University on your own merit. That’s how it should be! None of this nonsense about studying abroad. Our toptier schools here can hold their own against any foreign institution” 

Parker’s brow twitched, sensing something off about the figure who now seemed much more. lenient than the stern grandfather he remembered

Before Parker could snap out of his daze, two elderly women drifted over, one of whom had to be his greatgrandmother if his memory served him right

Greatgrandma shooed the old man aside with a flick of her wrist

Why are you blocking the boy at the door with your chill? It’s high time you reincarnated. Just the other day, your old flame visited, and you were too chicken to show up. If she reincarnates. you’ll never get the chance to see her again.” 

She looked to be about the same age as the old man, but he instinctively bowed his head in deference, Mom, you passed before me, why the rush to send me off when you’re not in a deference. Mom, you passed before me, why 

hurry yourself?” 

I have to watch over the family! Why did you to listen to those old fogeys from Capital City and insist on moving to Emerald Bay? Now you can’t return, can you?” 

Oh, Mom, let bygones be bygones. And look, our family’s thriving in Emerald Bay, my grandson’s made us proud.” 

As the two seniors chatted, the other old lady suddenly chimed in

Oh my, something seems off with young Parker. Why is he standing still in the foyer?” 

This lady was Parker’s greatgreataunt. Parker might not remember her, but he was aware of her existence. A widow who had lived with her brother and sisterinlaw, she had passed long before the Robinsons moved to Emerald Bay, yet here she was, alongside the others

Perhaps it was Parker’s stiff reaction that caught the old lady’s eye, as she squinted and leaned in closer

Something tells me, Parker can see us?” 

Her statement made the bickering pair turn their heads to stare at Parker

His face froze. But it was precisely this expression and his sudden eye contact with the trio 


Chapter 94 

that piqued their curiosity

Well, I’ll be! Parker can really see us!” 

My boy, I’m your granddad. Can you see me?” 

In that moment, it dawned on Parker why his ancestors had appeared before him… 

It had to be Winnie’s doing

Parker truly hadn’t expected such a lack of courtesy from her. He was determined to pursue her earnestly. If she wasn’t interested, that was one thing, but to have him haunted… 

Even if the haunts were his own ancestors

Let’s leave Parker to his most harrowing night yet and turn our attention to Winnie, who had been pulled aside by Delia for a private chat at the party

That charm you sold me worked great!Delia was barely containing her excitement

Winnie eyed her. Which one?” 

She had sold Delia two charms one to ward off troublemakers, and one to attract rotten 


Both of them,Delia whispered. That scam artist who tried to blackmail me got his just desserts. He tried to stage another chanceencounter with me, but wasn’t watching his step and fell through a busted manhole cover.” 

Delia chuckled at the memory. Oh, you should’ve seen the mess when they pulled him out. He reeked.” 

Winnie wasn’t surprised by the efficacy of her charms; after all, the Guard Charm only worked if the person harbored ill intentions

Delia was well aware of this too, and had no sympathy for the scammer’s misfortune. She did, however, call the police to have him rescued

After they took him to the hospital, I followed and sure enough, the guy called Yolanda, claiming it was a workrelated injury, demanding she pay for his medical bills and emotional distress.” 

Yolanda didn’t actually show up at the hospital with the money, but Delia record the scene. when he called her, which would later be used against Yolanda. Delia spared Winnie the details. and instead moved on to the Love Charm

Delia had managed to attach the charm to Yolanda with 

Ome effort and had someone keep tabs on the outcome. Sure enough, a notorious playboy from their social circle, known for his player character, suddenly took an interest in Yolanda, hounding her for days

The only pity, Delia thought, was that Yolanda, conscious of her reputation, had decisively rejected the rich kid


Chapter 04 

I think he’s given up now, hasn’t shown his face for a couple of days.” 

While Delia didn’t get to relish the sight of her stepsister mired in unwanted romantic attention, the mere image of her being badgered was worth every penny of the five thousand she’d spent


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