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In the woods,a young beautiful woman was running with a baby in her hands. Her clothes were worn out and tattered as blood oozed from different parts of her body. She kept running, taking occasional glances behind her, trying to see if what was chasing her was still behind her. After running for a few seconds,she halted and bent to rest. She unwrapped the clothes around the baby and she stared at his innocent and adorable face.

"It is a pity this would be the last time you'll see him" a voice rumbled. She realized what it was and made a run for it but she got slapped onto the ground. She clutched her arms a bit tight to prevent her baby from falling off. She got up and before her were four men,all having pale white skins and long fangs with blood red lips. They were vampires.

"Stay away from me you bastards" she warned,slowly backing out.

"Or what?" They asked,baring their fangs at her.

"Stay away from me" she warned.

"Too sad we cant. The dark lord needs him" the leader of the vampires said, walking towards her. He pulled the baby from her and grabbed her neck. He raised her up and slammed her on a tree,she kept choking but couldn't do anything but cry.

"Don't worry bitch,this would be quick" he said and licked her neck.

"N..never" she struggled, breathing. He made to plunge his fangs into her neck but a wave of light hit him.

"What the hell is that?" He yelled, getting up. A being suddenly appeared and struck the leading vampire with his golden sword and the vampire flaked away. The others rushed at him but they met the same fate as their leader.

In less than a minute,the vampires were all dead except for the figure which turned out to be a well-built man.

"Thanks" she thanked, grabbing her baby.

"You're welcome" he replied coldly and made to leave.

"What's your name kind stranger?" She asked.

"Just call me Darak" he said and disappeared. The woman smiled,and made her way out of the forest believing Darak was her baby's guardian.

"I just hope those monsters get to you" she said, pecking his forehead.

"Abel,I'll name you Abel" she added, snuggling him as she got out of the woods to the main streets of Jacksonville





"Ensure you don't get detention" mom yelled

"Okay mom" I replied, opening the door and slamming it shut. I smiled, remembering my past experiences in different schools…The way I got expelled from two schools before moving into Oklahoma. I kept walking faster since my new school.

"Bartlesville high school" was barely a mile away from home. I quickened my pace as the wind sent chills to my skin. I gradually broke into a Sprint as I was a few feet from the school. I got to the entrance and was marveled. I and my mom had been here a day ago but I didn't pay attention to the architecture of the school.

I walked in briskly as the bell rang for students to disperse in their various classes. I took a right turn to the principal's office and gave her my admission slip after the formalities.

"Abel Park, welcome to Bartlesville high once again" she said shaking me

"Thank you so much ma'am" I replied, receiving her handshake. She gave me directions to my class and I slowly walked out of her office. I walked straight to the class.

"Hmm, grade 11b" I muttered under my breath as I slowly opened the door. In the class was a middle-aged woman, teaching English and about 40 students in the class.

."Morning ma'am" I greeted.

"Morning, you're the new student, right?" She asked, "Yes, ma." I replied, playing good boy.

"Hello class, welcome the new student…Umm?" She announced.

"Abel Park" I replied. For God's sake, I was still playing good boy. I could see some backbenchers using their phones. Since the students were disobeying the laws, I decided to go natural.

"Welcome to Bartlesville high. Here we encourage our students to maximize their potential" that was the go-ahead I needed.

"What's up my peeps. As I said, I'm Abel Park alias AB and I hope we'll relate well. Jah blesses y'all" I said, holding out the peace sign with my fingers. I smiled hearing the students murmur.

"That's nice. Go and have a seat" she gestured

"Sure ma'am" I replied, taking a seat beside the hottest girl in the front row.

"Hi" I said, settling down. She blushed, tilting her head in my direction.

"Hi, I'm Sharon…Sharon Dyche" she replied, offering a handshake which I warmly received.

"Nice name, suits a pretty face like yours" I replied, smirking

"Asshole" I heard a guy grumble from behind.

During break, a couple of guys came over to my desk, banging it.

"Hey dudes, watch it" I half yelled.

"Abel, they mean no harm" Sharon said with an assuring smile.

"Okay? So, who're they?" I asked.

"My brothers" she replied

"Brothers. So you're triplets" I blurted

"Yeah. The one with a swoosh is Sean while the one with low-cut hair is Dean" She replied

"Hi Abel" they both greeted with warm smiles.

"Hi guys" I replied


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