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It was the entrance of a cave,it's entrance shaped in the form of skull,the entrance so creepy one would close one's eyes shut. The internals,moist and red with blood, provided a cold sensation. Added to it was darkness that would blind a normal torch. Deep below was a pit,in that pit were different Supernatural creatures,all crouching and kneeling in Respect…Fear. A huge wide abyss,separated them from a gold throne that lay above a rubble of bones. On the throne sat a Lycanthrope in a black hoodie with different inscriptions on it. He looked at his fleet of supernaturals and smiled.

"Get me a Wendigo…He's transformed" He bellowed,his voice rumbling like thunder.

"Master" A huge Wendigo,the size of a Byson called,crouching afront the rest.

"Good. Deal with the kid. He's finally transformed" He commanded with his rumbling voice.

"I'll gladly do so" the Wendigo said,getting up. He immediately gathered a troop of Wendigos and left.

Evelyn opened the door, heaving a huge sigh of relief from a hectic day at work. She was surprised Abel wasn't home yet.

"Abel" she yelled out but got no reply. She called him a second time and still got no answer. She smirked inwardly, realizing he was now a supernatural probably mastering his new abilities. Just as she was about to sit, she received a call from Abel.

"Abel, where have you been?" She asked.

"Hello" a strange female voice called.

"Hello, who's this?" Evelyn raised a question, enraged.

"Mrs. Park, I'm Sharon Dyche. A friend of Abel. He came to visit me because I was absent from school today. Unfortunately, he passed out while saving me from being run down by a vehicle" Sharon lied.

"Oh my" Evelyn gasped.

"Our family doctor has attended to him. He's going to be up in an hour but I don't think it would be safe sending join home tonight" Sharon added. Evelyn, knowing they were lying decided to play along with her.

"Okay, I'm stuck with something at work. Please, keep him safe" she said with a relaxed tone.

"Okay ma, bye" Sharon mumbled, hanging up.

"Pretty liar" Evelyn whispered, grinning.



Abel sat on a couch with his arms around him.

"Seriously? Lying to my Mom" he clapped

"That's the best way to break it to her" Sharon responded.

"You're crazy" Abel scoffed.

"Can we have some silence? Abel, I need you to transform into a Lycan now" Mr. Dyche ordered

"Okay sir" the former replied, getting up. He grunted like a woman in labor and screamed lowly transformed into a huge Lycanthrope.

"This is is strange," Mr. Dyche said, attaching a device to Abel's arms.

"What are the results?" Mrs. Dyche asked, entering the room with a tray of tea and biscuits

"His pulse is extremely fast. I can't comprehend his cellular modification. It seems to be extremely fast then the cells stop expanding at a limit" He clarified staring at the monitor before him

"So he's a Multibreed?" She Inquired

"Yes he is" He replied with a devastated look. He left without saying anything else. A moment of silence prevailed with Abel thinking.

"What's a Multibreed? Who am I?"


It was about 7 in the evening. A lot of people were still having fun, forgetting the time. A man cloaked in black walked in with a suspenseful atmosphere surrounding him. He sat on a chair with his gaze focused on the ground.

Gliding in the sky right above the park were the Wendigos keeping their views on the people in the park.





The readers' comments on the novel: TRUEBLOOD(THE MULTI REED)