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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 

The heavens seemed to conspire against her. The morning had been sunny, but a fine drizzle began to fall as Natalie prepared to leave work. She had arrived on her motorbike, and now the weather mirrored the temperament of a particular person she couldn’t help but think of, which was everchanging, like the shifting hues of the sky

Shaking her head, she wondered if she had been bombarded with too many messages from him lately. How else could his name have sprung to mind in this way

She glanced at the overcast sky and reassured herself that it was just a drizzle. It shouldn’t drench her like an unfortunate soul

Once she hopped on her bike, she accelerated, swiftly maneuvering through the ceaseless flow of vehicles. However, the rain proved uncooperative, showing no mercy to her unprotected state. In an instant, a deluge poured down without warning 

Completely drenched, her phone vibrated in her pocket. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a white Toyota slowly. drawing closer. She slowed down and stole a glance. It was Ethan, Joseph’s bodyguard, who pulled up alongside her. Stepping out of the car, he propped open an umbrella that shielded Natalie’s head. The rain poured down mercilessly, instantly soaking him through Miss, please get in the car. Allow me to drive you back. It’s too dangerous in this deluge” 

Ethan couldn’t help but worry about the consequences if something went wrong, and he couldn’t report back to Mr. Turner. The safety of Miss Natalie was paramount to him. Protecting her was why he had been assigned to the bustling capital of Athana

Natalie’s clothes were now drenched, making it impractical for her to get into the car. She didn’t want to soil the seats either. It seemed like she had already taken the hit of getting wet, so she decided against involving another person in her soggy situation. She figured a hot shower at home would ward off any chances of catching a cold

With that decision in mind, she politely declined Ethan’s kind offer. You two should hop in the car. I’m already soaked, and it’s just a short distance from home. Let’s not stand around chatting Still wearing a concerned expression, Ethan dutifully held the umbrella for Natalie.. 

Noticing Ethan’s lingering worry, she smiled. Trust me. I’m a doctor. We should get going now. If we wait any longer, I might catch a cold.” 

Knowing Natalie’s reluctance to inconvenience them and her stubborn nature, Ethan reluctantly got into the car and started the engine, following closely behind her

Unbeknownst to Ethan, the heavy rain prevented him from noticing the black car trailing them from behind

As the sleek black Maybach glided past them, a hint of displeasure flashed in the man’s eyes. This woman was utterly drenched, rainwater flowing down her cheeks like an unrelenting cascade

Jim glanced at the frigid figure seated in the back. His voice tinged with concern. Mr. Wilson, it seems Mrs. Wilson has been completely drenched” 

The man remained silent at first but finally spoke up as the car fell into a peaceful stillness. Do you think I’m blind?” 

Jim was left speechless. Who had managed to provoke him this time? He had merely wanted to offer a wellintentioned reminder. Of course not.” 

Silence fell upon them, and Trevon turned his gaze to the pounding rain outside, his mind filled with images of a woman thoroughly doused by the downpour. A vexing restlessness tugged at his heart. Why hadn’t she bothered to check the weather forecast

As Natalie stepped through the door, her clothes were soaked, water dripping from them without a need for wringing. Lena was taken aback. Miss Natalie, how did you get drenched on your way home? We are here to take care of Jasper. You could have hailed a taxi or waited at the hospital. It would be best if you didn’t come back to this state. The current weather is a breeding ground for catching a cold.” 

Jerury swiftly fetched a blanket from the bathroom and draped it over Natalie. Hurry to your room and take a hot bath. Let the warmth chase away the chill from your body. I’ve already started filling the bathtub with hot water.” 

Natalie smiled and nodded. Understood. Thank you, Lena Let me take a quick bath before I come to hold you, Jasper. Lena. I might leave some water stains as I walk in. Could you kindly wipe them?” 

Lena playfully scolded, What are you saying, you ully child? Go on now

Natalie chur kled, smiling at Jasper before entering the master bedroom 

Stepping into the bathroom, she found the bathtub, almost filled with water. Setting aside the mat, she turned off the faucet The water was a touch warmer than usual, likely Lena’s way of ensuring she would feel cozy Indeed. Natalie’s body felt a slight chill, courtesy of the rool rainwater outside

She discarded her drenched clothes and eaved herself into the inviting warmth of the water. It enveloped her, instantly soothing her senses. She savored the comforting temperature with halfclosed eyes, though faint dizziness washed over her. As a doctor, her first instinct was that she might have caught a chill 


Chapter 149 

After soaking for around ten minutes, the water temperature in the bathtub began to cool. Natalie emerged and proceeded to get dressed, feeling a slight lightheadedness. She quickly donned a bathrobe, realizing she couldn’t sleep with Jasper tonight. She didn’t want to risk infecting him if she had caught something 

The weather forecast had clearly predicted an overcast day, so why was it raining? It was frustratingly unreliable

She intended to put on some clothes and search the medicine cabinet for cold medicine. However, a series of sneezes interrupted her plans. Natalie reached into a drawer and retrieved a mask, placing it over her face. With a sigh, she rose from her seat, cup in hand, and made her way to the kitchen to pour some water

The water stains on the floor had already been diligently wiped clean by Lena. Natalie approached the kitchen, cup in hand. Lena, let Jasper sleep with you tonight. It seems I’ve caught a cold.” 

Lena expressed her concern. Don’t worry about Jasper. We’ll take good care of him. How are you feeling? Have you taken any medicine? Should we consider going to the hospital?” 

Feeling the warmth in her heart from Lena’s continuous concern, Natalie raised the cup, signaling she was about to pour water. Lena noticed Natalie was already taking medication, putting her worries at ease

Jenny began to persuade Jasper. Jasper, Mommy isn’t feeling well. Let’s not disturb her tonight and allow her to rest. You can sleep with Grandma, and I’ll tell you a delightful bedtime story” 

Understanding the situation, Jasper obediently agreed. With the weekend approaching, one night of rest should be enough for Natalie to recover

Natalie felt her body burning like a furnace in the early morning hours. She realized there was only cold medicine at home and no feverreducing medication. Despite her usually robust health, experiencing fever no more than twice a year, she hadn’t developed the habit of keeping fever reducers on hand. She tried to check the time on her phone but could not even open her eyes. Each breath she exhaled felt scorching hot, and she knew she had a fever and a significant one at that

At this point, the only option was to receive an intravenous saline solution. Struggling with all her might, she retrieved her phone and glanced at the time. It was already the early hours of the morning. She had no choice but to disturb Ethan, dialing his number. On the other end of the line, she heard a respectful voice say, Miss Natalie, are you feeling unwell?” 


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