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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 

a pala 


Edward this phase and hickled Jis gaze falling on his heavily bandaged by Am I really that fragile it’s just a fractured bon 

Kyle retorted with a You’re all about flau 

your moine tbility mit your saving 

Edward smiled, chonning 

cengage further in the bander 

were hundred days to heal injured tendons and bones? 

wing your name playing the mighty 

On the 29th four of Evergreen Gardens. Natalie Delt surge od jay jagen reeeiving Sherri’s m Juana hard sur li remarkable reuliene she wouldn’t have had to perform every wer) 

The Landdor family’s residence nel humbly ageingier for her jart 

If she had known that 

won she would 

With that throught in munzi. Natalie der jeled to take Jasper to the mall to buy a gift. She turned to Jenny enthusiastically spoke, Jenny. I’ve finished my meal. I’m planning to take Jasper out for a 

the kitchen and 

We might not be back for 

Jenny in the kitchen responded with a resounding voire. “Alright If you’re not returning, we’ll visit the villa. It hasn’t been 

leaned for several days” 

Jenny and Lena held a deep affection for the villa, where they had reuded for decades. In addition, Barron had always treated them kindly. Thus they atte wind moments to go back and meticulously clean the place, even though 

ulare and devoid of any lingering odors. 

resided there ensuring it remained. 

“Okay Jenny Im beading beat flow” 

Jentry suddenly realized her recent illness and thought, “Would you be able to handle taking Jasper out? He’s quite a harviful 

How about Far company your 

Natalie tuled gratefully. Jentry, Im not so fragile Look, I’m already feeling better I’m going to Sherri Landor’s house this afternoon As she said this, Natalie twirled around in front of Jenny, demon 

roved condition. 

Upon hearing that it involved Miss Landor. Jenny no longer insisted, “Alright then, just take care of yourself” 

Natalie was rikay with Jenny’s caring reminders She understood that people who truly cared would always offer their concerns before one’s departure, fearing any possible mishaps. “Okay. I understand 

With erris unuation settled and Juana no particularly upset, Natalie felt a sense of relief. Strangely enough, she didn’t feel overly worried about Hackett’s uation. As she descended the stairs, she cathe to a sudden halt, her eyes widening in 


In the play area of a distant revidential complex, a man stood beneath the monkey bars, his sleek black suit accentuated by the warm golden rays of sunlight With a hint of a smile gracing his otherwise stern countenance, he stood tall and composed, his strong arms effortlessly supporting a child who ragerly clung to the bars Every movement he made was deliberate an! utious, ready to protect and assist immediately 

The chuld zoggled and separated with delight, clearly familiar with this playful routine. The sight before her was something she had never expected to witness 

An inglese ribable pang of bittersweet emotions flooded her heart, leaving her torn and conflicted. She leaned against the nearby wall, taking a moment to compone herself. After a deep breath and a few minutes of contemplation, she straightened her pesture and released a sigh as if resolving something within. 

As she drew closer, the man’s gaze shafted towards her, has suspended movement coming to a halt. Even the child turned to glance at the man, ratching sight of Natalie Excitedly, the child began to wiggle and dance, calling out, “Mommy, Motary 

Gently, the man set Jasper down, has intention to walk toward Natalie evident. However, as soon as Jasper laid eyes on Natalie heurkly disregarded the man, peishing ham away swiftly 

Natalie observed the man’s empty hands, a sense of enginess echoing within her heart. 

Without acknowledging him or questioning his presence with Jasper, Natalie focused on lifting Jasper off the ground. Softly and tenderly, the inspired, “Are you tired from playing? Feeling warm?” 

In a sweet and innocent voice, Jasper responded, “Not warm. Mommy, this is my good friend.” 

Natalie narrowed her eyes, her brows furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean by good friend?* 

Lena couldn’t help but smile “Miss Natalie, let me explain. This gentleman here is the same person whom Jasper accidentally bumped into earlier. Today, he bought a toy to apologize to Jasper, and Jasper graciously accepted it. They 

Natalie was speechless. Have I seen him before? Was his interaction with Jasper merely a façade? 

He didn’t approach her too closely, maintaining his position while his gaze remained fixated on her face. His expression was inscrutable, concealing any hints of emotion, but there was a subtle softness in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. 

It was as if he could decipher her thoughts. In a soft-spoken voice, he reassured her. “My pursuit of you has nothing to do with Jasper.” 

Lena pondered, “What did I just hear? Is this gentleman pursuing Miss Natalie?” 

Miss Natalie was not only beautiful but also kind-hearted. It wasn’t uncommon for suitors to pursue her, even back in Sapphire City. However, this gentleman exuded undeniable charm and sophistication, hinting at his affluent background. 

Lena’s mind was already spinning with countless scenarios, and Trevon’s question nearly made her dizzy. 

Natalie picked up on his attempt to explain that his pursuit wasn’t solely because of Jasper but because of her. With at dismissive tone, she responded, “It’s not relevant to me.” 

Trevon’s gaze darkened, a hint of disappointment creeping into his eyes. Nevertheless, he persisted and wanted to ask her directly. “What about the child…?” 

She swiftly intercepted his words, her voice firm, “My personal life is not as chaotic as you might think. However, the child has no connection to you. If there is any connection, it is merely biological. I seek a committed father for my child, but I am not unreasonable. 1 cannot change the fact that you are Jasper’s biological father. So, I won’t deny you the opportunity to be a part of his life. That is my greatest compromise. But if you intend to contest custody, be prepared for a fierce battle. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but I won’t back down if you insist.” 


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