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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 2

"Yo, our dear beautiful Mrs. Wilson is back!"

The person who walked forward was Sherri Landor, the best friend of Natalie, the young lady of the Landor family in Athana, and also an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Athana Hospital.

Natalie coolly threw the Mercedes key at her, creating an arc in the air. "I'm gonna go report back and chat with you later."

Sherri Landor helplessly shook her head as she watched Natalie's back. "What a stingy Grandet!"

She raised her hand and glanced at her watch.

"Taking a three-hour leave, but in reality, she only used 58 minutes and still had two hours and two minutes left. She definitely needed to speed up, or else she wouldn't be able to get the salary for those two hours. She was probably going to drive the director crazy if so," said Sherri inwardly.

After reporting back from her absence, Natalie went to her own office and put on the white coat to prepare for work. Sherri Landor strolled in with two cups of coffee and said in a relaxed tone, "So, how is the husband that your grandpa found for you?"

Without even looking up, Natalie continued to tidy her clothes and asked in a casual tone, "Which aspect are you referring to?

Sherri's mouth slightly curved upwards, with an intense curiosity. "Wow, in just one hour, you know everything about him, so he's not good enough!"

"Wow, be careful with your language. Simply, he's cold, and he's also pretty good-looking," replied Natalie.

"Show me your marriage license, girl. Let me have a look and make sure everything's good. Maybe my brother can help you check it for free so that your married life can be more harmonious in the future," Sherri added.

"Here, take a good look." Natalie briskly took out the marriage license and placed it in front of Sherri, then went about her own business, opening her computer.

"Oh my god, do you even know who your husband is, Natalie Foster? You're in trouble now, girl." Sherri was staring at the marriage license with her eyes open wide.

When she heard it, Natalie slowly raised her delicate little face and blinked her eyes which always seemed to have a watery sheen. She was surprised, wondering what happened.

"Who is on the marriage license? Just don't tell me it's your ex-boyfriend," asked Natalie.

Sherri's reaction told her that Sherri knew Trevon Wilson.

"Ex-boyfriend? The person you married is even scarier than my ex-boyfriend. He is the young heir of the wealthiest family in Athana, the Wilson family. Trevon Wilson! Don't tell me you don't know him?" Sherri looked at Natalie with a dumbfounded expression.

"How could I know who he is? Anyway, it's good that he's not your ex-boyfriend. Otherwise, it would be awkward when we hang out together. I don't want us to be all lovey-dovey while you watch us like a hawk."

Sherri was a little speechless. "Is this what I'm talking about with her?" wondered she.

"Since he is the one on my marriage license, go ahead and explain if you want to. It's uncomfortable to see you holding back. Speak up." Natalie had an indifferent attitude, threw down her pen, leaned back in her chair, and put on a serious expression, ready to listen attentively.

"Anyway, both sides were forced to do it and didn't have much affection toward each other. It was not a big deal if we don't understand each other, but it wouldn't hurt to get to know each other just in case we end up living under the same roof and have any misunderstandings," said she inwardly.

She hadn't thought about divorce at the moment. Her parent's marriage was a failure, and she didn't want to follow her mother's path. So from the moment they signed the marriage papers, she never had the thought of divorce. She thought that with time, love could grow. Her grandfather wouldn't push her into a firepit, and she was pretty good-looking herself. If someone couldn't appreciate her, then he must be blind and ignorant.

Sherri let out a heavy sigh and then placed the coffee in front of her, speaking in a disappointed tone as if Natalie didn't live up to her expectations. "You'll definitely need this later, so hold onto it."

Adjusting her sitting posture, she slowly said, "The person on your marriage license is Trevon Wilson, the wealthiest man in Athana and the young heir of the Wilson Group. Yes, the most famous Wilson Group in Athana, as you think. He is the only grandson of Theo Wilson. Of course, Theo Wilson has another brother, Trevon Wilson's granduncle, who also has a grandson. It's a power struggle between the two of them in the Wilson Group. Family feuds in elite circles are typical, but that's not really the main point right now. I'll explain it to you later. First, let me tell you about the character of Mr. Trevon Wilson. Everyone in Athana knows that Trevon Wilson is a tough guy. At 24, he took over the Wilson Group and used ruthless means to bring the company to several new levels within three years. Both the business and political circles have to give him some face. In Athana, he is known as a powerful figure who can do whatever he wants. If he says a company will go bankrupt today, it won't last until tomorrow."

Natalie was skeptical when she heard this. Even so, she still picked up her coffee and took a big sip before asking Sherri in doubt, "Are you sure you're talking about a person and not a god?"


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