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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 30

The living room emanated an atmosphere of harmonious conversation, filled with laughter and jokes that seemed to revolve around something delightful.

Natalie had just stepped into the doorway and paused when she caught a familiar voice and wondered if she had mistaken it.

Trevon noticed her abrupt halt, turned his head, and inquired, "What's the matter?"

Natalie smiled, shook her head to indicate it was nothing, and proceeded inside.

Half an hour before dinnertime, Trevon guided Natalie to sit beside him on the sofa.

Being friendly, Theo's brother, Carlos Wilson, asked, "Aren't you going to introduce this beautiful girl to us?"

Of course, he meant Natalie.

Trevon responded casually, "This is Natalie, my wife."

Well, there was nothing wrong with that.

Theo, fearing that Trevon might say something to discomfort Natalie, felt a sense of relief after hearing what he said, resulting in a smile on his face.

It seemed that what he had just said to Trevon had worked! Theo couldn't help but feel happy with that.

Natalie's beauty captivated Max's gaze, his eyes fixed upon her. He exclaimed directly without thinking, "Trevon, your wife is truly beautiful."

Max saw nothing amiss with his comment, and all eyes turned simultaneously toward Natalie. Even Emily, who had been conversing with Peggy, turned to look at Natalie.

When she caught a glimpse of Natalie, Emily's face turned pale, her smile fading instantly.

One second, she had been engrossed in laughter and chatter with Peggy, but now her countenance was repulsive, as if she had consumed something distasteful.

In a panic, she instinctively grasped Max's arm tightly. "What are you doing? You're hurting me!"

Max, whose attention was fixed on Natalie, snapped impatiently.

To him, Emily was just a girl who desperately played hard to get, which successfully caused his desire to conquer. After all, Max thought there was no girl he couldn't handle. She was just another girl he had brought home, and she wasn't the first, either.

Max was actually not that into her. At this moment, Max couldn't help but notice that Emily and Natalie seemed to share the same surname.

However, their appearances were worlds apart. "They don't look like sisters," Max thought.

Emily bore the weight of Max's blame, her heart heavy with dissatisfaction. She was so mad at Max for embarrassing her in front of so many people, but she dared not look up at him.

She could only silently swallow her anger.

She remained silent to avoid provoking Natalie, fearing that Natalie would be mad and tell them everything about her.

Theo proceeded to introduce each family member one by one to Natalie. "Natalie, this is Carlos, Trevon's great-uncle. Here is Ted, Trevon's uncle. And this is Ted's wife, Peggy. Trevon's cousin, Max, is over there, just two years younger than Trevon. Trevon's mother is now busy in the kitchen, and Trevon's father is away on a business trip. When he returns, I will arrange a meeting between the two of you."

"Two years younger than Trevon? Just the same age difference between me and this illegitimate daughter," Natalie thought.

Theo had always been nice to Natalie. Even though Theo said so, Natalie knew it was improper to let Trevon's father take the initiative to meet her.

"No need, Mr. Theo. I will come over to meet Trevon's father when he comes back. After all, he is my elder. Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlos, Mr. Ted, and Mrs. Peggy." After exchanging greetings, Natalie pretended not to see Max's direct gaze, completely disregarding his existence.

Not only did Theo disregard Emily's presence, but even Natalie paid her no attention as if she were invisible.

And the worst part was that Max didn't even show any intention of introducing her, though he was the one who had promised to bring her home today. Rage bubbled just below the surface of Emily's mind.

While the living room was filled with laughter and compliments, Emily remained an outsider, unable to engage in conversation, and no one spoke to her.

Natalie acted as a perfect friend, laughing and joking, answering all questions from the elders with grace and generosity. Her manners were graceful, and her demeanor matched that of a wealthy young lady.

Emily instantly felt inferior, convinced that Natalie was so scheming that she purposely sought to exclude her from the Wilson family.

However, Natalie really didn't care about Emily and her family at all. As long as they didn't come to offend her, she could live the rest of her life without crossing paths with them. She didn't even want to exchange a single word with them.

Natalie noticed Emily's gaze and raised her eyes slightly to look at Emily with a cold, disdainful stare. Seeing the contempt in Natalie's eyes, Emily clenched her hands tightly and felt her nails sink into her palms.

Trevon's eyes wandered between several people, and saw all their expressions. Max stared at Natalie with an obsessed look, and Trevon was not surprised that Max, who tended to obey his sexual impulse, would be attracted to Natalie.


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