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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 70

The pouring rain outside, accompanied by its chilling presence, created a stark contrast with the cozy warmth emanating from the private dining rooms of Thriving Pizza Hub.

For today's meal, the two ladies deviated from their usual spot in the corner of the main dining area and opted for a private room. The decision was prompted by the freezing weather, which had filled up all the available seating in the main dining area.

While relishing her meal, Sherri tried to divert her best friend's attention, remarking, "Winter and pizza make the perfect combination. The chilly season calls for steaming hot dishes. Once we indulge in this feast, I'll be blissful for the entire week."

To console herself, Natalie decided not to dwell on that particular issue. She chuckled and remarked, "Besides eating, you're all about designer brands."

Sherri was relieved by her best friend's playful teasing as it signified that Natalie's mood had improved. With a cheerful tone, Sherri replied, "Absolutely! While food and fashion hold significance, welcoming a new life into the world is also a momentous event for me. Embracing a little life brings me immense joy."

After a brief interval, a waiter wheeled in a rack overflowing with many ingredients. Natalie could not help but be awestruck and exclaimed, "Sherri, did you just order every ingredient available in the restaurant? Are you certain... you can finish all of that?"

She gazed at Sherri with an incredulous expression.

Sherri beamed and exclaimed, "We will turn grief and anger into appetite. Since you'll be going abroad next year, we should make the most of every chance to relish good food. Let's savor our meals to the fullest while we still can!"

Natalie pondered quietly, "Am I not coming back?"

Shaking her head, she dismissed the thought and enjoyed her meal.

Sherri's eyes sparkled with delight upon seeing the wide selection of food. She turned to Natalie, who was cooking the ingredients, and suggested, "Let's order some beef strips, cheese cakes, beef, shrimps, omelet rolls, and some fish. We should also add mushrrom and spinach. Oh, it seems we forgot to order drinks. Natalie, what would you like to drink?"

Considering the quantity of food being ordered, Natalie expressed her apprehension, saying, "I'm fine with anything. Order what you like. Just remember, you'll have to finish everything you've ordered."

They had already ordered a little of everything, so there was no turning back.

"Don't worry. I haven't even eaten breakfast yet. I will finish it, so don't be so stingy," Sherri reassured confidently.

"Am I being stingy? I'm just concerned about avoiding food waste. Wasting food is indeed regrettable, you know. Should I enlighten you about the importance of appreciating agricultural products?" Natalie questioned playfully.

"Forget about that. It would be best if you tried this beef roll. It's delicious and especially tender," Sherri said as she placed a piece into her friend's bowl.

Sherri suggested, "How about we order some beer and have a little toast?"

Upon hearing the suggestion, Natalie was nearly choked by the spiciness of the food, causing her to cough. She quickly responded, "How about some yogurt or a non-alcoholic beverage instead? Just think about Edward. It might be best to refrain from drinking for now."

When Edward Landor crossed Sherri's mind, she swiftly abandoned the previous suggestion. "Well, forget it then. Let's have some grapefruit juice instead," she proposed.

As such, the pair ordered four bottles of juice.

This decision set well with Natalie as she was not picky.

Halfway through the meal, Sherri felt full and could not eat anymore. However, a sense of embarrassment crept over her as she noticed half of the ingredients remained on the rack.

She had overestimated herself.

Natalie glanced up and noticed Sherri's flushed face and rosy cheeks due to the warmth from the hot soup. Unable to contain her amusement, she chuckled at her friend's contented demeanor and the occasional hint of a burp.

Unable to contain her amusement, Natalie burst into laughter. "Look at this! I told you we couldn't finish everything, but you insisted on ordering more. What do we do now?" she exclaimed between laughs.

Gazing at the half-eaten ingredients remaining on the rack, a headache began to take hold. Disappointment washed over the ladies as they could not help but feel a sense of self-reproach for their reckless decision.

Sherri's mind swiftly conjured up an idea, and she suggested with a smile, "How about... we call Edward to join us and help us finish the remaining food? I'll make sure to finish the broth."

"If you want to call him, go ahead and do it. I won't be the one to make the call. We've already eaten quite a lot of the food," Natalie responded, feeling a hint of embarrassment about the suggestion.

Determined not to let the remaining ingredients go to waste, Sherri made a firm decision. "I'll do it. We've already ordered and tasted every dish and cannot return it," she declared with determination.

Natalie thought to herself, "You only realize this now?"

Sherri opened her contacts and dialed a number. "Hey, Edward. Where are you? Feeling hungry? Natalie and I are having pizza. Would you like to join us?" she asked.

"Great, we'll be waiting for you," Sherri responded.

While waiting, Natalie suggested getting another pie, but Sherri declined, citing it would be a waste of money.

At this moment, Edward had just concluded a meeting with a client and was preparing to return to the company.

Turning to Kyle, who stood before him, he suggested, "Let's head over to the Thriving Pizza Hub."


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