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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 73

When they wrapped up their work the following afternoon, Natalie wasted no time and eagerly pulled Sherri along to embark on their house-hunting expedition.

Sherri was genuinely impressed by Natalie's decisive and proactive nature. She admired how Natalie did not waste a moment and approached tasks with a determined mindset, without unnecessary delays or hesitations.

Exhausted and feeling discomfort from walking in high heels, Sherri began to question her life choices amidst the house-hunting adventure. Her weariness seeped into her voice as she turned to Natalie and inquired, "Natalie, how many more places do we still have to see? Wasn't that one-bedroom apartment we saw earlier for $1000 good enough?"

Natalie stopped in her tracks and glanced at Sherri's high heels. "I mentioned last night that we would be house hunting today, yet you insisted on wearing high heels. If your feet are hurting now, whose responsibility is it?" she retorted playfully.

"Let's go and take a look at the last one. If it doesn't meet my requirements, I promise to book the one we saw earlier," Natalie assured.

"You promised. You can't go back on your word, alright?" Sherri said.

Natalie's gaze fell upon Sherri's heels again, and she could not help but chuckle. "When I ask you to wear high heels for shopping or trying on clothes, you handle it effortlessly. But you're already worn out and complaining when it comes to accompanying me on a house hunt. It seems like our friendship isn't as sturdy as we thought," she teased.

Observing the banter between Natalie and Sherri, the real estate agent smiled warmly, "I envy your friendship. The both of you share such a strong bond."

The two friends exchanged a meaningful glance and, overcome with genuine amusement, burst into laughter that resonated from the depths of their hearts.

Sherri's carefree and sometimes scatterbrained demeanor may give the impression of an easygoing personality, but when it truly matters, her unwavering dedication to being there for Natalie shines through. No matter the circumstance, Sherri would wholeheartedly support and assist her friend. She was willing to go above and beyond, even if it meant sacrificing her comfort and waking up early in the morning to lend a helping hand.

Indeed, an authentic and genuine friend holds an immeasurable value that surpasses superficial connections.

The most profound emotions, most authentic feelings, and purest love in this world often originate from those who truly understand us, share a profound connection with us, and genuinely accompany us through life's ups and downs. These unique individuals see us for who we indeed are and accept us unconditionally.

A deep understanding between individuals goes beyond verbal communication. It reaches a level where a mere glance or expression is enough to convey thoughts and emotions. In this profound connection, words become secondary, and there exists an unspoken language that allows each person to understand the other's inner world effortlessly.

The real estate agent guided them to a residential area near the hospital, boasting a serene and pleasant environment. The landscape comprised a mix of low-rise and high-rise buildings, with the shorter structures predominantly positioned towards the east.

Upon their initial observation, Natalie was quite fond of the residential area's environment.

With the real estate agent by their side, they ascended to the 5th floor. It was noted that the lower floors lacked elevators, while the highest floor was the 6th floor. Each floor consisted of two units.

With a gentle demeanor, the real estate agent opened the door and explained, "This apartment is a 2-bedroom, 1-living room unit. However, I must mention that there is no elevator in the building. Some may find it relatively high because it is situated on the 5th floor. Nonetheless, the surrounding environment is delightful, and the landlord has taken great care in renovating the unit. It offers a comfortable living space."

As the real estate agent explained, she guided Natalie and Sherri through each apartment room.

Natalie went straight to the point and asked, "What is the price range for this apartment?"

The agent's smile widened, seemingly delighted by what she perceived as a fortunate opportunity. "Due to the lack of elevators, this apartment has remained unoccupied for quite some time. It has been listed with our agency for a year now. The landlord wants someone to take good care of the place and keep it clean. The monthly asking price is 760 dollars," the agent responded.

Considering the affordability of the price, Natalie made her decision without hesitation. "I have one question," she began. "Would it be possible to sign a two-month lease?"

The agent's eyes widened briefly, perhaps surprised by Natalie's request, but she swiftly regained her professional composure and responded with a smile. "I'm sorry, Miss Foster, but signing a two-month lease is impossible. Our standard lease term is one year," she explained.

"Sure, I'll take some time to consider it. If it is suitable, I will contact you," Natalie responded.

"Sure, no problem," the agent smiled.

"Thank you for accompanying us," Natalie replied.

The agent said, "That's alright. This is my job. It was nice meeting you. Goodbye."

Leaving the neighborhood, Sherri raised a valid point. "Finding a short-term rental might indeed be challenging," she remarked. "Considering the minimum lease term of three months, staying at either my place or Edward's place seems more feasible. It's unlikely that anyone would agree to a two-month lease."

After a brief moment of hesitation, Natalie voiced her thoughts, "Would you mind helping me check with Edward about the monthly rental for his place? I will not stay if he is not charging me rent."

After careful consideration, Natalie realized that finding a suitable rental option would be challenging, especially with the approaching New Year. The preference for longer lease terms made renting for just two months an unpopular choice. Nevertheless, she appreciated the kind and professional demeanor of the real estate agent who had assisted them throughout the process.

Natalie contemplated the future possibilities and acknowledged that if, at a later time, she were to return from abroad and the same house was still available, it would be a favorable option to consider.

Sherri expressed her frustration to her best friend, voicing her earlier suggestion. "I did suggest that you stay at my brother's place, but you didn't listen," she complained. "Was it really necessary to go through all this trouble now? Oh, my poor feet."

Natalie responded with a playful eye roll and retorted, "Oh, so you're saying you don't want me to accompany you for shopping next time? If you don't want me around, say it!"

Sherri raised her hands in surrender and hastily reassured, "Oh, Natalie, I was just kidding! Please don't take it seriously. Our friendship is strong, and we shouldn't let small things bother us."


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