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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 81

At noon the following day,

two of them were on the early shift.

Without having had lunch, Sherri and Natalie contemplated heading to the ultrasound room for their scans.

Approaching one of the rooms, they gently pushed the door open, only to find a female doctor in her forties performing an ultrasound on a patient. Sherri quickly realized the situation and quietly closed the door behind them.

Neither of them found it surprising that people were still in the room at this hour, so they waited patiently outside the door.

It was standard as the demand for ultrasound scans was high, often leading doctors to work extra hours to complete their examinations before calling it a day.

Soon enough, the patient stepped out with a paper in hand.

Sherri checked the information on the screen, confirming they were the final patient. With a determined step, she opened the door again and entered the room.

Sherri warmly greeted the female doctor in the ultrasound room. "Hey, Chloe! It seems like you've had a hectic day today."

The weary Chloe exclaimed, "Gosh, I'm exhausted. It's been non-stop lately, with a never-ending influx of patients. I practically have to stay past my shift every single day."

Glancing at Natalie, Chloe raised an eyebrow in surprise. "What brings you two here today, like a tag team? Did you skip lunch at the cafeteria for an examination?"

Sherri smiled sweetly, her laughter carrying a hint of charm. "Exactly! Mrs. Wilson had some gynecological concerns, so I brought her for a check-up."

Natalie was speechless. Her smile was tinged with a hint of awkwardness.

Chloe chuckled and said, "Well, it's no surprise these days. Many young women have gynecological concerns. They often neglect early signs, and things can get complicated later on. Alright, please lie down, and let me conduct an examination."

Feeling embarrassed, Natalie hurriedly explained, "Oh, Chloe, don't worry. Go ahead and grab a meal. We can manage the examination ourselves without wasting your time."

Warmly and compassionately, Chloe insisted, "Don't worry about the time. It'll only take a few minutes. Come on."

Sherri quickly made an excuse, "Chloe, you should attend to your other duties. Mrs. Wilson here has a slight discomfort. She's a bit shy about undressing in front of strangers. It might be better if I handle it. We're used to checking on each other, you know."

Natalie found herself at a loss for words once again.

Chloe couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Oh, you young folks! You're still so young, yet you already have so many quirks. Alright, you can handle it yourselves. But you really should work on overcoming your shyness. In the future, when you're married and become pregnant, you'll have to undress for examinations quite frequently. And during labor, your cervix must be checked multiple times throughout the night. There's no need to be embarrassed. We're all women, and when it comes to undressing, we're all in the same boat."

Sherri was left speechless, her mind momentarily blank.

Natalie once again found herself speechless, her forehead throbbing with a rapid pulse. Determinedly, she mustered the courage to respond, "Chloe, I understand. I'll do my best to overcome it."

Having a genuine concern for the younger generation, Chloe imparted her advice with sincerity. Satisfied with Natalie's reply, she decided not to dwell on the matter further. "Alright then, I'll leave now. Remember to close the door when you're done."

Sherri quickly chimed in, "Absolutely."

Once Chloe left, both Sherri and Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. Natalie walked toward the door and secured it with a lock. "Chloe is truly caring. I almost felt overwhelmed by her kindness."

Sherri nodded in agreement, her voice filled with conviction. "Absolutely, that's why I brought you to this ultrasound room. She's wonderful, very friendly, and genuinely caring. You can lie down first, and I'll perform the examination."

Natalie rolled up one pant leg and positioned herself on the examination bed.

Sherri prepared the ultrasound probe with a protective cover and applied the gel before commencing the scan.

Once she visualized the embryo, Sherri's expression turned complex, a mix of surprise and indescribable emotions crossing her face. "Natalie, the embryo has successfully implanted in your uterus. Everything looks good. Now, as for you..."

As she removed the probe and disposed of the used protective cover in a designated waste bin, she continued with her question.

Natalie anticipated Sherri's question. "I know what you're thinking. Once the decision is made, I won't waver. Having him will bring me a new dimension, adding some much-needed vibrancy. Don't be so pessimistic. Shouldn't you be happy that I, the lone wolf, will have a child? But above all, it's about you. Have you truly thought it through?"

Honestly, the presence of another life growing inside her belly wasn't her most significant concern. She knew she could provide and care for the child. It was the situation with Sherri that troubled her.

Taking full responsibility, she couldn't deny feeling a sense of guilt.

However, Natalie would never let it show on her face. She understood Sherri's temperament, knowing she disliked overly emotional scenes like herself. If Sherri decided to proceed with the pregnancy, Natalie was prepared to take on the subsequent challenges. She had made that decision the night before.


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