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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 86

The sky was veiled in a haze, casting a grayish hue, while the Sullivan family blazed with lights, illuminating the surroundings as if it were daytime.

Michael paced anxiously in the living room, sweat dripping down his forehead. Mia, in a fit of rage, swept everything off the coffee table, sending objects crashing to the floor. The once pristine living room now lay in disarray, with items strewn haphazardly in every corner.

Mia's fiery temperament caught Michael off guard, but he quickly composed himself and said, "Mia, perhaps you should reach out to Mr. Wilson. Your name is plastered all over the internet in these news articles, and it's detrimental to your future. You've worked tirelessly to build a reputation during your years abroad, and we can't let it crumble now."

Mia was well aware of the gravity of the situation. She couldn't afford to be affected by it. Years of relentless effort would be in vain.

Her opportunity to pursue dance overseas had been orchestrated by Henry, who had paved the way for her to achieve remarkable success and garner numerous awards. The reasons behind her accomplishments were known to those in the know.

Michael would never have attained such a position based solely on his abilities.

It was thanks to the unwavering favor of Henry that she had received preferential treatment. She had even taken the initiative to secretly study psychology, gaining insight into Henry's mind and winning his heart. In the presence of Henry, when he was still alive, Mia had tearfully appealed to him, confessing her growing affection for Trevon. However, Trevon, being aloof and unapproachable, did not allow anyone to get close to him. Mia hoped that Henry would intervene and play the role of matchmaker.

Unable to resist Mia's persistent charms, Henry eventually yielded to her pleas and reluctantly approached Trevon.

Mia vividly remembered the day when Henry invited Trevon to their home for dinner, although Hackett was also present.

Henry displayed exceptional warmth during the meal, although he seemed slightly embarrassed as he ventured, "Trevon, you must be around 20 years old now, am I correct?"

Trevon, lacking emotional intelligence, didn't catch the insinuation. But Hackett, who had experienced an early romance, laughed and remarked, "Henry, are you playing matchmaker for Trevon? Are you aspiring to be a professional matchmaker?"

Henry sternly shot Hackett, "I'm merely considering that Trevon is of a suitable age to start dating. Don't think I don't know about your multiple girlfriends, changing them like socks."

Hackett, quick with his words, quipped back, "Well, why not let him have a taste of the dating scene? Maybe he'll find the perfect granddaughter-in-law for you."

Henry couldn't be bothered by Hackett's banter and focused on Trevon's face. The young and reserved Trevon, catching the intense scrutiny, finally grasped the underlying meaning.

With polite manners, Trevon responded, "Mr. Blackwell, I haven't considered pursuing a romantic relationship at this time."

Hackett, chewing on his food, couldn't help but chuckle at Trevon's reply, fully anticipating it.

Sitting beside them, Mia grew increasingly anxious, her fingers curling and tightly gripping her pants, silently urging Henry to intervene.

Henry shook his head, acknowledging Mia's sincere fondness for Trevon. With a blend of resignation and honesty, he expressed, "Trevon, finish your meal first. Afterward, join me for a few rounds of chess. And Hackett, I'd like you to run an errand once you're done eating."

Reluctantly, Hackett consented, though he couldn't help but wonder why his grandfather insisted on sending him out when plenty of drivers and servants were available. It was evident that his grandfather intended to keep him away.

Reluctant to face the consequences of defying family authority, Hackett reluctantly gave in.

Upon his return, Hackett observed Mia casting enamored glances at Trevon while Henry smiled, satisfied and pleased.

When they left the Blackwell family, Hackett discovered Henry's earnest plea to Trevon. He had asked Trevon to give a relationship with Mia a chance, assuring him they could end it if it didn't work out.

However, Hackett had experienced several relationships and had a different perspective. He knew that it would be hard to shake her off thoroughly once a woman like Mia got attached.

As Hackett had predicted, within a week of dating, Trevon had already mentioned breaking up multiple times. However, Mia vehemently refused and even resorted to crying in front of Henry. This pattern persisted for over a year.

It wasn't until the year Trevon made up his mind to join the military that no amount of persuasion from family members could change his decision.

Even Mia's closest friends and Michael advised her to leave Trevon, warning her that joining the military would mean Max taking over the company and a bleak future for her.

Mia finally took their advice to heart.

However, life was unpredictable, and Mia never imagined that Max would be such a disappointment, incapable of achieving anything substantial. Even if Theo and Henry had such intentions, Max might not have possessed the necessary skills and capabilities.

Recalling the past events, Mia couldn't help but harbor some resentment toward Michael.

He had persistently urged her to end her relationship with Trevon, claiming that joining the military would end his prospects and that he would never achieve anything significant. Michael had convinced her that even if Trevon returned, he would never rise to a position of power within the Wilson family.

These thoughts fueled Mia's anger as she glared at Michael, her face twisted with a malevolent expression. "It's all because of you. Things wouldn't have ended like this if you hadn't persuaded me to break up."

Michael, however, held a different perspective. He believed that Mr. Wilson was young and not yet fully matured. He was easily swayed by the arrangements made by Henry. Michael also recalled that Mr. Wilson had mentioned the possibility of breaking up, and Mia had shed countless tears. Mia stubbornly refused to accept the inevitable, while Mr. Wilson remained distant and aloof.

Michael attempted to offer words of consolation, "Mia, none of us could have foreseen what would unfold. You cannot guarantee that over all those years, Trevon wouldn't have eventually initiated a breakup. Even with Henry's influence, he may have granted Henry a favor once, but there's no guarantee he would have done it again."


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