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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 88

Having reluctantly seen Mia off, Jim returned to the office.

Meanwhile, Trevon stood tall by the floor-to-ceiling windows, his face wearing a somber expression. He dialed a number and spoke with an air of authority. The mirrored glass revealed his brooding countenance.

"Reexamining is acceptable, but I'd like to clarify this. If it turns out that the Wilson Group is innocent, they will be required to issue a formal apology on their official website."

Ending the call abruptly, his eyes gleamed with a steely coldness as he turned his attention to Jim. He commanded, "Find out who initiated the request for a reexamination of the bidding process and ensure that appropriate action is taken."

"Yes, and should we investigate the person behind the trending topics? If it weren't for their disclosure of Miss Mia's situation, the project wouldn't have been subjected to this reexamination," Jim suggested, aware of the significance of the impending contract signing.

A subtle smile of satisfaction played on Trevon's lips as he responded, "No need for that. Just handle this matter diligently."

Jim understood the implications behind Trevon's words.

Trevon angrily unfastened his tie and flung it onto the desk before snatching his phone and dialing Frank's number. "Take down those damn trending topics."

Frank, amid a boxing session, halted his movements and grabbed the phone, muting the external noise. "I can't remove them. The client specifically requested a full day. Don't ruin my reputation."

When Mia asked him to help get the trending topics taken down, he had already anticipated the underlying reasons.

Trevon felt a lump in his throat. Indeed, Frank's system's longevity relied on trust and confidentiality.

"How much longer will they remain up? The bidding process has been affected."

Frank let out a wry laugh. "I thought you were calling to plead on Miss Mia's behalf." It was a twisted drama, with his ex-wife placing the order and her former husband seeking mercy.

"Do I look like I have that much free time? Well, then, let it stay. The customer always comes first. How much did she spend anyway?"

Frank was speechless. "Can't you log in and check it yourself?"

Last night, when Frank received the order, he already knew Natalie placed it. That's why he had lowered his standards to accept the job. Otherwise, he would never have taken such an order.

Just as he was contemplating, a notification sounded, indicating a payment of 10 thousand dollars had been deposited.

Frank couldn't help but chuckle. "The customer just sent the final payment of 10 thousand dollars."

Trevon couldn't hide his amusement. "So, how much did she bid in the end?"

20 thousand dollars for two orders," Trevon chuckled upon hearing the amount.

Frank didn't hold back and retorted, "Looks like you were quite the penny-pincher before marriage. Still holding on to that stinginess, huh?"

The shameless Trevon replied, "Well, I believe in being frugal and thrifty."

Frank said, "Well, you're not exactly being thrifty with your own family, so why flaunt it?"

He hung up the phone.

Staring at the blank screen, Trevon muttered, "..."

In a mere moment, a smug grin crept across Trevon's face. He couldn't help but revel in Mia's unwavering determination for retribution. Every setback was noticed and addressed.

He had underestimated her. She possessed a cunning and awareness that he hadn't fully appreciated, evident by her knowledge of this website.


Natalie sat on her bed, scrolling through the trending topics before even getting out of bed. She couldn't help but appreciate Damon's remarkable efficiency in handling matters promptly.

After completing her transactions, Natalie couldn't contain her excitement and eagerly called out to Sherri, who seemed down last night.

Just as she was about to speak, Sherri's phone began to ring.

Natalie grabbed Sherri's phone and glanced at the caller ID, recognizing it as their Director. "Sherri, wake up! It's our Director calling. It must be something urgent."

Sherri snapped out of her drowsiness and swiftly sat up, answering the call with a sense of urgency. "Hello, Director."

After a brief conversation, Sherri ended the call, her mood somewhat subdued.

Natalie observed Sherri's troubled countenance with a tinge of concern, her brow furrowing in worry. "What's the matter?"

Sherri's eyes welled up with tears, and her voice trembled as she replied, "Edward took care of everything for me. The Director informed me that they secured a spot for me and asked me to complete the forms before noon."

Tears streamed down her face, and her voice became choked with emotion. "I feel so guilty toward Edward. Despite his strictness, I know he genuinely cares for me."


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