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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 145

"Brett, I can't make any guarantees, but as long as the Felton Group works with us, I can promise to minimize costs and maximize profits! The Felton Group has been cooperating with the Salotti Group for many years, and I know their quality." Izabella looked at him, speaking calmly and with a humble tone of voice, showing her sincerity.

"How many percentage points in profit?"

"Ten percent on top of the original." The profit was quite high, definitely a win-win situation.

Izabella nodded humbly, looking completely submissive.

Once Brett made a decision, it wasn't easy to change. Izabella was unsure, and she was even worried that he might get upset and push back all her efforts.

Brett glanced at the file in her hand, which was very detailed. He was driving and couldn't risk getting distracted by it.

"I'll look at it when we get back. Also, I need a full report on the Felton Group."

Izabella was surprised, "You agreed?"

Brett raised an eyebrow, "When did I say that?"

Izabella slumped her shoulders, looking distressed, like a deflated balloon. She thought Brett wouldn't agree easily, but he had more to say.

"I still have to consider if it's really as you said. As long as the Felton Group comes up with a decent plan, I'll agree to let them participate."

Izabella smiled, "I understand."

Brett was all about business and focused on results, only caring about whether the Felton Group had the capability.

Izabella neatly put the files in her bag and continued sipping her milkshake.

"Don't drink it if it's melted," Brett said, glancing at her while controlling the steering wheel.

Izabella was well-behaved during mealtimes, her cheeks bulging like a hamster, softening her usually cold expression.

"It's okay." Izabella continued drinking, finishing the entire cup halfway through the journey. She took out a tissue and covered her mouth as she couldn't help but let out a little burp.

The soft burp sounded especially clear in the quiet car. Izabella felt awkward, turning her gaze outside the window.

Brett smirked.

Once they got home, Izabella went straight to her office to work. Jennifer served dinner, while Brett was the only one in the living room.

"President Windham, where's your wife?" Jennifer mostly referred to Izabella as "wife" in front of Brett.

"She's busy, don't bother her, she's already eaten."

Jennifer had improved her cooking skills greatly these days, having learned from a professional chef.

Brett enjoyed a couple of bites of the delicious food. "Reheat the soup, she might be hungry later."

Jennifer agreed.

Izabella put the files on the bedroom bed, along with a USB drive. Brett noticed it as soon as he entered the room.

He picked it up and examined it carefully. Just a brief glance in the car earlier, but now he saw that it was very detailed. Izabella was a well-known name in the business world, her capabilities evident.

Before seeing her work, Brett had only heard about it. Now he recognized her abilities - this woman was really something.

Brett plugged the USB into the computer, examining a rough chart and analysis about cooperating with the Felton Group.


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