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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 222

Izabella knew her stomach problems were serious, but she didn't know that she had stomach cancer.

The stomach cancer was accompanied by pharyngitis, and every time she took medication, she couldn't help but want to throw up, barely holding back dry heaves with tears streaming down her cheeks.

For Izabella, taking medication had become a kind of torture. She could only eat three-quarters full at lunch, leaving space in her stomach for the medication.

“Why do I have to take medication every day? Can I not take it?”

“No.” Brett directly vetoed the idea. He could accommodate her in other ways, but the medication was non-negotiable.

During Izabella's hospital stay, she had been rushed to the emergency room many times because of her stomach cancer. Brett was afraid of losing her and afraid that she would remember something when her stomach cancer acted up.

Only by sticking to the medication could the growth of cancer cells be suppressed.

Despite her caution, Izabella still got sick, suffering from stomach pain for a while. She was a person who was used to enduring pain, and this hadn't changed even after losing her memory.

Enduring the pain, she sat on the balcony with a book, half-squinting, unclear whether she was basking in the sun or using reading to divert her attention from the stomach pain.

Brett received a phone call.It was Liam asking about his work. As he listened, he looked for Izabella and finally saw her curled-up figure on the balcony.

She leaned back in the soft chair, looking as lazy as a cat. After years of suffering from illness, her skin had a sickly pale color, and in the sunlight, the shallow purple veins on her neck were visible.

When Izabella heard the noise, she glanced at him and then continued reading.

The book was one she had picked up from the bookshelf on a whim, titled "Economics 101." The content was abstruse, but Izabella clearly felt familiar with it, as if she had read it before losing her memory.

She flipped through it quickly, and in no time, she had gone through half of it. Brett heard the rustling of the pages and thought she was just browsing.

He walked over and sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, getting closer and playing with her braided hair between his fingers.

With her stomachache and being held like this, Izabella wasn't concentrating on the book. She threw it away and leaned into Brett's arms, listening to the sound of his phone call.

Brett was never coy about discussing work in front of Izabella. He said on the phone, "Put down that shipment of goods on Starry Brilliance Island for now, we're being watched. Change the location."

There was some more talk on the other end of the line, Brett agreed and hung up the call, holding Izabella tightly in his arms.

Izabella's stomach was hurting, and she frowned, "Aren't you going to work?"

"I will tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?" Asked Brett.

"No, you just focus on work, and I won't bother you." Izabella was curious about his company, but she figured there must have been a lot of work piled up since he'd been taking care of her. She wouldn't go until he was done with it.


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