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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 310

Brett slept for a solid 24 hours before he woke up, wincing as he opened his throbbing eyes to see the IV drip hanging above his head, the liquid slowly flowing through the tube.

He looked at the needle stuck in the back of his left hand, and without a second thought, he pulled it out with his right hand.

"What the hell are you doing, President Windham? Your drip isn't finished!" Liam burst into the room just in time to see Brett's self-destructive act and rushed over to stop him.

Having slept the entire day, Brett felt weak and couldn't fight off Liam, so he stopped struggling.

Liam rang for the nurse, preparing to reinsert the IV needle into Brett.

Brett was seriously ill, not having rested properly for several days and frequently spending time in cold rooms, which resulted in various health problems. He was bleeding from his stomach, running a fever of 40 degrees Celsius. If it got any higher, he'd be cooked into an idiot.

"Where's Kaley?" Brett croaked out.

Liam was taken aback, having thought that Brett would continue to ask about Izabella upon waking up. "She's still in the basement," he replied.

"She's scared of dogs, you know what to do." Brett closed his eyes, paused, then added, "Keep her alive, but make her wish she was dead."

Kaley wasn't shy about wanting to marry him, right? She deceived people and hurt innocents for him. So, whatever he did, she was willing to bear it, right?

"I'll arrange it right away, but President Windham, you need to recover before you can be discharged."

Brett didn't respond, and Liam watched as the nurse reinserted the IV needle. He knew Brett had taken his words to heart.


Brett stayed in the hospital for three days. When he was well enough, he had Liam pick him up. During this time, he never once mentioned "Izabella", as if he had completely forgotten her. But only the nurses who cared for him knew the truth. Every night, Brett struggled to sleep, tossing and turning restlessly. Occasionally, he would mutter "Izabella" in his sleep.

Could he easily forget someone he called out for in his dreams?

Brett went straight to where Kaley was being held after being discharged from the hospital. Before he even got close, he could hear the barking of dogs and the piercing screams of a woman.

It was creepy hearing it in the eerie cold wind.

It was snowing in J City again today, but it was much lighter compared to Christmas day. Big snowflakes fluttering in the wind while Liam stood beside Brett, holding an umbrella to shield him from the snow.

As they approached, the door guard opened the door and a rotten smell hit them.

Liam scrunched his nose, suppressing the urge to vomit. He sneaked a glance at Brett, who showed no reaction.

The guard led them in, and flicked on the light switch. The pitch-dark basement was instantly illuminated.

Brett glanced over with indifferent eyes and saw a large iron cage divided into two sections by a railing. Kaley was trapped in a corner, as deflated as a balloon, lying listlessly in the cage.

Her body was covered in blood, her hair matted together with dried blood. But the most terrifying sight was her legs.

The guard, who had grown accustomed to the sight, pulled out a remote control and pressed a button. The railing in the middle of the cage slid open.

A black pitbull, mouth wide open revealing its blood-red gums, lunged at Kaley. Kaley, trembling all over, tried to squeeze herself into the bars of the cage in fear.

Her body had been injected with a drug that stimulated her nerves, causing her to be terrified but unable to pass out.

"Good boy, sit." The dog trainer gave a command, and the pitbull obediently sat down, panting heavily.

Brett put on a glove and bent down to look at Kaley's hair. Not only were her legs useless, but her face was also ruined. Brett took one look at her and felt as if his eyes were attacked. He released his grip and threw the glove onto the ground.

At that moment, Kaley regained some consciousness. Dazed eyes regained some of their brilliance at the sight of Brett, which was still mixed with hatred. She quickly lowered her head, trembling as she said, "Brett, I know I was wrong. Please let me go. It hurts so much..."

She couldn't understand how everything changed overnight. It felt like just yesterday when she was carefully preparing for their engagement party, standing on the bright stage with Brett, making their vows to all the guests.


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