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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 332

"The recording for 'Here Comes the Superstars' is on, and upon learning that Graham had set Izabella up for the show, Kristin was livid and confronted him.

"Graham, have you lost your marbles? Why wouldn't you listen to me? I've already let go of the idea of getting Izabella out, but now you are getting her on a show. Do you think I'm not fierce enough to win her over and make double the money? Dream on! If you dare to promote Izabella, I'll spill all the dirty laundry you've been hiding!"

Sitting on the studio couch, Graham stayed silent, absorbing Kristin's rant.

Finally, at her last sentence, Graham lost his patience and slammed his teacup on the table, shattering it to pieces.

Glass shards flew everywhere, and he glared at Kristin, his face stormy.

Graham had been a manager for years, and he had a temper. His sudden outburst left Kristin speechless, not knowing how to respond.

"The Izabella of now is not the Izabella of the past. I'd advise you not to mess with her, or you'll be asking for trouble."

Kristin's face twisted. She knew Izabella had changed, and it was exactly this change that scared her.

Take Izabella's audition last time, for instance. Her brilliant acting skills could easily shine on any stage.

She was afraid of Izabella rising to fame, of her becoming more famous than her!

Kristin couldn't stand it, whether it was Izabella's face, acting, or name!

After venting his anger, Graham gradually calmed down.

Izabella was a threat to him, too, as she had dirt on him. The best way would be to get rid of her quietly.

He and Kristin shared common interests and goals, and this was not the time for them to argue.

Grinding her teeth, Kristin asked, "So what now? Are we going to let her shine on this show and earn fame because of her acting skills?"

Graham snorted in contempt. "Hiding her dirty past won't be easy. Acting on stage is different from auditioning, don't worry, I've got a plan."

"What is it?"

"The show decides on the pairing of actors by drawing lots. We can tamper with it here; I've already got my people among the staff there. Ariana is also in the production team, so we don't have to lift a finger."

Ariana now despised Izabella for stealing her role. This was why she joined 'Here Comes the Superstars'. They needed to pull the strings behind the scenes and blow things up.

Over the next few days, Izabella was busy recording the show. The actor's rank was determined by the audience's rating, from S to D, a total of five ranks. Those who ended up with a D rank didn't even have the privilege to choose scripts.

Izabella ended up with a D rank, barely having the chance to appear for a day.

After the S, A, and B rank actors had chosen their scripts, the remaining actors without scripts were to draw lots to choose their opponents; whoever they drew would be who they competed with on stage.

This was no longer a matter of luck; the rules of the show were downright devilish.

Making the remaining C and D rank actors draw lots to act with S, A, and B rank actors was like making rookies compete with professionals; the result was bound to be a defeat.

The remaining actors had mediocre acting skills, no significant works, and were not particularly liked by the audience. They had to compete with seasoned actors, and even given many chances, they would not succeed.

Many were already contemplating quitting. Izabella quietly sat in the corner, watching all this, thinking about what Mr. Kane had said to her a few days ago.

"This is so unfair..." someone complained, "How could I possibly win? Is this how they treat me for joining a show?"

The entertainment industry is not a place for fairness. Those with skills will always be famous, and that's the fairest it gets.

'Here Comes the Superstars' is a show that thrives on acting skills; no one would let you take shortcuts, win by crying, or play the victim. Moaning about it being unfair, would anyone change the rules for you?

Sure enough, the director's team watched quietly, instructing the camera operators to capture every detail of everyone's expressions.

When the camera focused on Izabella, it froze.

There were no unnecessary expressions on her face. Resting her chin on her hand, she seemed a little lost in thought, yet that alone was enough to captivate, like a Queen of the Night-blooming quietly in a corner.

Feeling someone filming her, Izabella lifted her chin to meet the camera, effortlessly flashing a confident smile.

The cameraman's heart skipped a beat, then started pounding uncontrollably. He had a hunch that even this casual shot of Izabella would create quite a stir on the show.

In sharp contrast to everyone else on the scene, Izabella was neither flustered nor self-pitying; she simply watched everything unfold like a bystander.

Izabella lacked empathy; she didn't care about the feelings of those around her. She was thoroughly enjoying her role as an observer.

Mr. Kane had no patience to soothe these actors. He had said before his show didn't need fragile stars.

"Those who want to stay can draw lots, but for those who think it's unfair, we won't force you to stay!"

As his words fell, the actors who were sighing moments ago fell silent, obediently drawing lots when the staff brought them over, praying in their hearts to be allocated to B or A rank, just not S rank, or they would be sent home after one round.

As Izabella was last in line, she didn't need to draw lots. Opening her lot, she saw it was S rank Harper, an actor from the theater, a seasoned performer who had won many awards.


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